> Well, is the use of bison/flex required? My initial reaction when I saw
> the code was "Why the hell is he writing a parser for a very specific
> XML file format with bison/flex?". Unless the use of bison/flex is
> required, I would strongly recommend using libxml2 to parse the XML
> (heck, given that the idea is to transform LaTeX XML to text suitable
> for screen readers, I think it's likely that an XSL transform is the
> best way to go).

The application wasn't written by me. It's a bachelor thesis of a former
student. I think his first attempt was to work on the LateX file without
converting to xml. But it turned out to be easier to transfer to MathML
first. And maybe the time was too short to skip to another tool(or he just
didn't find it ^^)

> Never send generated files unless specifically asked to; it's
> unnecessary since it can be assumed that those people on this list who
> are inclined to help you will have bison and flex. Also avoid the use of
> compression tools other than zip, gzip and bzip2, to ensure maximal
> portability across platforms.

Ok, just wanted to save some of your time, because generating it, takes much
more time than downloading it :D

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