Hi :
    I'm using bison for a sub-set grammar of  C language . But I
encounter   a difficult . flowing is the core  part of my   grammar

 grammar for subset of C language

%left   OR_OP
%left   AND_OP
%left   '+'
%left   '-'
%left   '*'
%left   '/'


%start file
        |declaration file
        |function_define file

function_define : declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' 
')' compound_statement
                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' ')' 
                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')' compound_statement

                : '{' '}'
                | '{' statement_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list  statement_list'}'

                :statement statement_list


                : FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expr ')' 

                : IF '(' expr ')' statement
                | IF '(' expr ')' statement ELSE statement

jump_statement  :BREAK  ';'
                |CONTINUE  ';'
                |RETURN  ';'
                |RETURN  expr ';'

                | expr ';'

assignment_expr :unary_expr '=' expr

unary_expr      :postfix_expr
                |INC_OP unary_expr
                |DEC_OP unary_expr
                |unary_operator unary_expr
                :expr '*' expr
                |expr '/' expr
                |expr '+' expr
                |expr '-' expr
                |expr AND_OP expr
                |expr OR_OP expr

unary_operator  :'&'

postfix_expr    :primary_expr
primary_expr    : IDENTIFIER
                | CONSTANT
                | '(' expr ')'

declaration_list: declaration declaration_list

declaration     : declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'

declarator_list : declarator ',' declarator_list
                | declarator

declarator      :var_declarator

var_declarator  :var_declarator2
                |pointer var_declarator2

var_declarator2 :'(' var_declarator ')'
                |var_declarator2 '[' ']'
                |var_declarator2 '[' const_expr ']'

const_expr      :CONSTANT

function_declarator: function_declarator2
                pointer function_declarator2

function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
                |IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','

//reduce shift conflict
parameter_declaration : declaration_specifier pointer
                |declaration_specifier var_declarator

pointer         :'*'
                |'*' pointer

declaration_specifier : INT
                | DOUBLE
                | FLOAT
                | VOID

Nonterminals useless in grammar


Terminals unused in grammar


Rules useless in grammar

   26 compound_statement: '{' statement_list '}'
   27                   | '{' declaration_list '}'
   28                   | '{' declaration_list statement_list '}'

   29 statement_list: statement statement_list

   30 statement: compound_statement
   31          | iteration_statement
   32          | expression_statement
   33          | select_statement
   34          | jump_statement

   35 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement
expression_statement expr ')' statement

   36 select_statement: IF '(' expr ')' statement
   37                 | IF '(' expr ')' statement ELSE statement

   38 jump_statement: BREAK ';'
   39               | CONTINUE ';'
   40               | RETURN ';'
   41               | RETURN expr ';'

   42 expression_statement: ';'
   43                     | expr ';'

   44 expr: assignment_expr
   45     | unary_expr
   46     | binary_expr

   47 assignment_expr: unary_expr '=' expr

   48 unary_expr: postfix_expr
   49           | INC_OP unary_expr
   50           | DEC_OP unary_expr
   51           | unary_operator unary_expr

   52 binary_expr: expr '*' expr
   53            | expr '/' expr
   54            | expr '+' expr
   55            | expr '-' expr
   56            | expr AND_OP expr
   57            | expr OR_OP expr

   58 unary_operator: '&'
   59               | '*'
   60               | '-'
   61               | '!'
   62               | '~'

   63 postfix_expr: primary_expr

   64 primary_expr: IDENTIFIER
   65             | CONSTANT
   66             | '(' expr ')'

   67 declaration_list: declaration declaration_list

   68 declarator: var_declarator

   69 var_declarator: var_declarator2
   70               | pointer var_declarator2

   71 var_declarator2: '(' var_declarator ')'
   72                | var_declarator2 '[' ']'
   73                | var_declarator2 '[' const_expr ']'

   74 const_expr: CONSTANT

   75 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier var_declarator


    0 $accept: file END

    1 file: /* empty */
    2     | declaration file
    3     | function_define file

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    8 compound_statement: '{' '}'

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'

   10 declarator_list: declarator ',' declarator_list
   11                | declarator

   12 declarator: function_declarator

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | parameter_declaration

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | declaration_specifier

   20 pointer: '*'
   21        | '*' pointer

   22 declaration_specifier: INT
   23                      | DOUBLE
   24                      | FLOAT
   25                      | VOID

Terminals, with rules where they appear

END (0) 0
'!' (33)
'&' (38)
'(' (40) 4 5 6 7 14 15
')' (41) 4 5 6 7 14 15
'*' (42) 20 21
'+' (43)
',' (44) 10 16
'-' (45)
'/' (47)
';' (59) 9
'=' (61)
'[' (91)
']' (93)
'{' (123) 8
'}' (125) 8
'~' (126)
error (256)
IDENTIFIER (258) 4 5 6 7 14 15
FOR (260)
BREAK (261)
RETURN (263)
IF (264)
ELSE (265)
INC_OP (266)
DEC_OP (267)
AND_OP (268)
OR_OP (269)
INT (270) 22
DOUBLE (271) 23
FLOAT (272) 24
VOID (273) 25

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (35)
    on left: 0
file (36)
    on left: 1 2 3, on right: 0 2 3
function_define (37)
    on left: 4 5 6 7, on right: 3
compound_statement (38)
    on left: 8, on right: 4 5 6 7
declaration (39)
    on left: 9, on right: 2
declarator_list (40)
    on left: 10 11, on right: 9 10
declarator (41)
    on left: 12, on right: 10 11
function_declarator (42)
    on left: 13, on right: 12
function_declarator2 (43)
    on left: 14 15, on right: 13
parameter_declaration_list (44)
    on left: 16 17, on right: 4 5 14 16
parameter_declaration (45)
    on left: 18 19, on right: 16 17
pointer (46)
    on left: 20 21, on right: 4 6 13 18 21
declaration_specifier (47)
    on left: 22 23 24 25, on right: 4 5 6 7 9 18 19

state 0

    0 $accept: . file END
    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    3     | . function_define file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 5
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 1

   22 declaration_specifier: INT .

    $default  reduce using rule 22 (declaration_specifier)

state 2

   23 declaration_specifier: DOUBLE .

    $default  reduce using rule 23 (declaration_specifier)

state 3

   24 declaration_specifier: FLOAT .

    $default  reduce using rule 24 (declaration_specifier)

state 4

   25 declaration_specifier: VOID .

    $default  reduce using rule 25 (declaration_specifier)

state 5

    0 $accept: file . END

    END  shift, and go to state 9

state 6

    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    3     | . function_define file
    3     | function_define . file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 10
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 7

    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    2     | declaration . file
    3     | . function_define file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 11
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 8

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier . pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | declaration_specifier . IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier . pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: declaration_specifier . declarator_list ';'
   10 declarator_list: . declarator ',' declarator_list
   11                | . declarator
   12 declarator: . function_declarator
   13 function_declarator: . function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 12
    '*'         shift, and go to state 13

    declarator_list       go to state 14
    declarator            go to state 15
    function_declarator   go to state 16
    function_declarator2  go to state 17
    pointer               go to state 18

state 9

    0 $accept: file END .

    $default  accept

state 10

    3 file: function_define file .

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (file)

state 11

    2 file: declaration file .

    $default  reduce using rule 2 (file)

state 12

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER . '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER . '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'

    '('  shift, and go to state 19

state 13

   20 pointer: . '*'
   20        | '*' .  [IDENTIFIER, ')', ',']
   21        | . '*' pointer
   21        | '*' . pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    $default  reduce using rule 20 (pointer)

    pointer  go to state 20

state 14

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list . ';'

    ';'  shift, and go to state 21

state 15

   10 declarator_list: declarator . ',' declarator_list
   11                | declarator .  [';']

    ','  shift, and go to state 22

    $default  reduce using rule 11 (declarator_list)

state 16

   12 declarator: function_declarator .

    $default  reduce using rule 12 (declarator)

state 17

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 . pointer function_declarator2
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    pointer  go to state 23

state 18

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer . IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer . IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 24

state 19

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' .
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' . parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 25

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 26
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 20

   21 pointer: '*' pointer .

    $default  reduce using rule 21 (pointer)

state 21

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list ';' .

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (declaration)

state 22

   10 declarator_list: . declarator ',' declarator_list
   10                | declarator ',' . declarator_list
   11                | . declarator
   12 declarator: . function_declarator
   13 function_declarator: . function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 29

    declarator_list       go to state 30
    declarator            go to state 15
    function_declarator   go to state 16
    function_declarator2  go to state 17

state 23

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer . function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 29

    function_declarator2  go to state 31

state 24

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER . '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER . '('
')' compound_statement

    '('  shift, and go to state 32

state 25

    7 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'
   15 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .  ['*']

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    $default  reduce using rule 15 (function_declarator2)

    compound_statement  go to state 34

state 26

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list . ')' compound_statement
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 35

state 27

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration . ','
   17                           | parameter_declaration .  [')']

    ','  shift, and go to state 36

    $default  reduce using rule 17 (parameter_declaration_list)

state 28

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier . pointer
   19                      | declaration_specifier .  [')', ',']
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    $default  reduce using rule 19 (parameter_declaration)

    pointer  go to state 37

state 29

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER . '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'

    '('  shift, and go to state 38

state 30

   10 declarator_list: declarator ',' declarator_list .

    $default  reduce using rule 10 (declarator_list)

state 31

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2 .

    $default  reduce using rule 13 (function_declarator)

state 32

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' .
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' .
')' compound_statement
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 39

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 40
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 33

    8 compound_statement: '{' . '}'

    '}'  shift, and go to state 41

state 34

    7 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 7 (function_define)

state 35

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list
')' .  ['*']

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    $default  reduce using rule 14 (function_declarator2)

    compound_statement  go to state 42

state 36

   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   16                           | parameter_declaration ',' .
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 43
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 37

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier pointer .

    $default  reduce using rule 18 (parameter_declaration)

state 38

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' . parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 44

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 45
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 39

    6 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    compound_statement  go to state 46

state 40

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list . ')' compound_statement

    ')'  shift, and go to state 47

state 41

    8 compound_statement: '{' '}' .

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (compound_statement)

state 42

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (function_define)

state 43

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','
parameter_declaration_list .

    $default  reduce using rule 16 (parameter_declaration_list)

state 44

   15 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 15 (function_declarator2)

state 45

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 48

state 46

    6 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (function_define)

state 47

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    compound_statement  go to state 49

state 48

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 14 (function_declarator2)

state 49

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (function_define)

when I use bison :
 bison -r all -d -o xx.cpp xx.ypp
there is all waring , no shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflict !!!

I want to know , Why bison think the "comound_statement"    as
useless  noterminater  ???

why I have so many useless rule and no-terminator ???

please Help Me !!

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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