wan sheg wrote:
Hi :
    I'm using bison for a sub-set grammar of  C language . But I
encounter   a difficult . flowing is the core  part of my   grammar

 grammar for subset of C language

%left   OR_OP
%left   AND_OP
%left   '+'
%left   '-'
%left   '*'
%left   '/'


%start file
        |declaration file
        |function_define file

function_define : declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' 
')' compound_statement
                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' ')' 
                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')' compound_statement

                : '{' '}'
                | '{' statement_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list  statement_list'}'

                :statement statement_list


                : FOR '(' expression_statement expression_statement expr ')' 

                : IF '(' expr ')' statement
                | IF '(' expr ')' statement ELSE statement

jump_statement  :BREAK  ';'
                |CONTINUE  ';'
                |RETURN  ';'
                |RETURN  expr ';'

                | expr ';'

assignment_expr :unary_expr '=' expr

unary_expr      :postfix_expr
                |INC_OP unary_expr
                |DEC_OP unary_expr
                |unary_operator unary_expr
                :expr '*' expr
                |expr '/' expr
                |expr '+' expr
                |expr '-' expr
                |expr AND_OP expr
                |expr OR_OP expr

unary_operator  :'&'

postfix_expr    :primary_expr
primary_expr    : IDENTIFIER
                | CONSTANT
                | '(' expr ')'

declaration_list: declaration declaration_list

declaration     : declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'

declarator_list : declarator ',' declarator_list
                | declarator

declarator      :var_declarator

var_declarator  :var_declarator2
                |pointer var_declarator2

var_declarator2 :'(' var_declarator ')'
                |var_declarator2 '[' ']'
                |var_declarator2 '[' const_expr ']'

const_expr      :CONSTANT

function_declarator: function_declarator2
                pointer function_declarator2

function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
                |IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','

//reduce shift conflict
parameter_declaration : declaration_specifier pointer
                |declaration_specifier var_declarator

pointer         :'*'
                |'*' pointer

declaration_specifier : INT
                | DOUBLE
                | FLOAT
                | VOID

Nonterminals useless in grammar


Terminals unused in grammar


Rules useless in grammar

   26 compound_statement: '{' statement_list '}'
   27                   | '{' declaration_list '}'
   28                   | '{' declaration_list statement_list '}'

   29 statement_list: statement statement_list

   30 statement: compound_statement
   31          | iteration_statement
   32          | expression_statement
   33          | select_statement
   34          | jump_statement

   35 iteration_statement: FOR '(' expression_statement
expression_statement expr ')' statement

   36 select_statement: IF '(' expr ')' statement
   37                 | IF '(' expr ')' statement ELSE statement

   38 jump_statement: BREAK ';'
   39               | CONTINUE ';'
   40               | RETURN ';'
   41               | RETURN expr ';'

   42 expression_statement: ';'
   43                     | expr ';'

   44 expr: assignment_expr
   45     | unary_expr
   46     | binary_expr

   47 assignment_expr: unary_expr '=' expr

   48 unary_expr: postfix_expr
   49           | INC_OP unary_expr
   50           | DEC_OP unary_expr
   51           | unary_operator unary_expr

   52 binary_expr: expr '*' expr
   53            | expr '/' expr
   54            | expr '+' expr
   55            | expr '-' expr
   56            | expr AND_OP expr
   57            | expr OR_OP expr

   58 unary_operator: '&'
   59               | '*'
   60               | '-'
   61               | '!'
   62               | '~'

   63 postfix_expr: primary_expr

   64 primary_expr: IDENTIFIER
   65             | CONSTANT
   66             | '(' expr ')'

   67 declaration_list: declaration declaration_list

   68 declarator: var_declarator

   69 var_declarator: var_declarator2
   70               | pointer var_declarator2

   71 var_declarator2: '(' var_declarator ')'
   72                | var_declarator2 '[' ']'
   73                | var_declarator2 '[' const_expr ']'

   74 const_expr: CONSTANT

   75 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier var_declarator


    0 $accept: file END

    1 file: /* empty */
    2     | declaration file
    3     | function_define file

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    8 compound_statement: '{' '}'

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'

   10 declarator_list: declarator ',' declarator_list
   11                | declarator

   12 declarator: function_declarator

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | parameter_declaration

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | declaration_specifier

   20 pointer: '*'
   21        | '*' pointer

   22 declaration_specifier: INT
   23                      | DOUBLE
   24                      | FLOAT
   25                      | VOID

Terminals, with rules where they appear

END (0) 0
'!' (33)
'&' (38)
'(' (40) 4 5 6 7 14 15
')' (41) 4 5 6 7 14 15
'*' (42) 20 21
'+' (43)
',' (44) 10 16
'-' (45)
'/' (47)
';' (59) 9
'=' (61)
'[' (91)
']' (93)
'{' (123) 8
'}' (125) 8
'~' (126)
error (256)
IDENTIFIER (258) 4 5 6 7 14 15
FOR (260)
BREAK (261)
RETURN (263)
IF (264)
ELSE (265)
INC_OP (266)
DEC_OP (267)
AND_OP (268)
OR_OP (269)
INT (270) 22
DOUBLE (271) 23
FLOAT (272) 24
VOID (273) 25

Nonterminals, with rules where they appear

$accept (35)
    on left: 0
file (36)
    on left: 1 2 3, on right: 0 2 3
function_define (37)
    on left: 4 5 6 7, on right: 3
compound_statement (38)
    on left: 8, on right: 4 5 6 7
declaration (39)
    on left: 9, on right: 2
declarator_list (40)
    on left: 10 11, on right: 9 10
declarator (41)
    on left: 12, on right: 10 11
function_declarator (42)
    on left: 13, on right: 12
function_declarator2 (43)
    on left: 14 15, on right: 13
parameter_declaration_list (44)
    on left: 16 17, on right: 4 5 14 16
parameter_declaration (45)
    on left: 18 19, on right: 16 17
pointer (46)
    on left: 20 21, on right: 4 6 13 18 21
declaration_specifier (47)
    on left: 22 23 24 25, on right: 4 5 6 7 9 18 19

state 0

    0 $accept: . file END
    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    3     | . function_define file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 5
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 1

   22 declaration_specifier: INT .

    $default  reduce using rule 22 (declaration_specifier)

state 2

   23 declaration_specifier: DOUBLE .

    $default  reduce using rule 23 (declaration_specifier)

state 3

   24 declaration_specifier: FLOAT .

    $default  reduce using rule 24 (declaration_specifier)

state 4

   25 declaration_specifier: VOID .

    $default  reduce using rule 25 (declaration_specifier)

state 5

    0 $accept: file . END

    END  shift, and go to state 9

state 6

    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    3     | . function_define file
    3     | function_define . file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 10
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 7

    1 file: .  [END]
    2     | . declaration file
    2     | declaration . file
    3     | . function_define file
    4 function_define: . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | . declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | . declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: . declaration_specifier declarator_list ';'
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    $default  reduce using rule 1 (file)

    file                   go to state 11
    function_define        go to state 6
    declaration            go to state 7
    declaration_specifier  go to state 8

state 8

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier . pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    5                | declaration_specifier . IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier . pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
    9 declaration: declaration_specifier . declarator_list ';'
   10 declarator_list: . declarator ',' declarator_list
   11                | . declarator
   12 declarator: . function_declarator
   13 function_declarator: . function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 12
    '*'         shift, and go to state 13

    declarator_list       go to state 14
    declarator            go to state 15
    function_declarator   go to state 16
    function_declarator2  go to state 17
    pointer               go to state 18

state 9

    0 $accept: file END .

    $default  accept

state 10

    3 file: function_define file .

    $default  reduce using rule 3 (file)

state 11

    2 file: declaration file .

    $default  reduce using rule 2 (file)

state 12

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER . '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER . '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'

    '('  shift, and go to state 19

state 13

   20 pointer: . '*'
   20        | '*' .  [IDENTIFIER, ')', ',']
   21        | . '*' pointer
   21        | '*' . pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    $default  reduce using rule 20 (pointer)

    pointer  go to state 20

state 14

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list . ';'

    ';'  shift, and go to state 21

state 15

   10 declarator_list: declarator . ',' declarator_list
   11                | declarator .  [';']

    ','  shift, and go to state 22

    $default  reduce using rule 11 (declarator_list)

state 16

   12 declarator: function_declarator .

    $default  reduce using rule 12 (declarator)

state 17

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 . pointer function_declarator2
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    pointer  go to state 23

state 18

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer . IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer . IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 24

state 19

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' .
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    7                | declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' . parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 25

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 26
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 20

   21 pointer: '*' pointer .

    $default  reduce using rule 21 (pointer)

state 21

    9 declaration: declaration_specifier declarator_list ';' .

    $default  reduce using rule 9 (declaration)

state 22

   10 declarator_list: . declarator ',' declarator_list
   10                | declarator ',' . declarator_list
   11                | . declarator
   12 declarator: . function_declarator
   13 function_declarator: . function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 29

    declarator_list       go to state 30
    declarator            go to state 15
    function_declarator   go to state 16
    function_declarator2  go to state 17

state 23

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer . function_declarator2
   14 function_declarator2: . IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | . IDENTIFIER '(' ')'

    IDENTIFIER  shift, and go to state 29

    function_declarator2  go to state 31

state 24

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER . '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER . '('
')' compound_statement

    '('  shift, and go to state 32

state 25

    7 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'
   15 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .  ['*']

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    $default  reduce using rule 15 (function_declarator2)

    compound_statement  go to state 34

state 26

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list . ')' compound_statement
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 35

state 27

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration . ','
   17                           | parameter_declaration .  [')']

    ','  shift, and go to state 36

    $default  reduce using rule 17 (parameter_declaration_list)

state 28

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier . pointer
   19                      | declaration_specifier .  [')', ',']
   20 pointer: . '*'
   21        | . '*' pointer

    '*'  shift, and go to state 13

    $default  reduce using rule 19 (parameter_declaration)

    pointer  go to state 37

state 29

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER . '(' parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER . '(' ')'

    '('  shift, and go to state 38

state 30

   10 declarator_list: declarator ',' declarator_list .

    $default  reduce using rule 10 (declarator_list)

state 31

   13 function_declarator: function_declarator2 pointer function_declarator2 .

    $default  reduce using rule 13 (function_declarator)

state 32

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' .
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement
    6                | declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '(' .
')' compound_statement
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 39

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 40
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 33

    8 compound_statement: '{' . '}'

    '}'  shift, and go to state 41

state 34

    7 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '(' ')'
compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 7 (function_define)

state 35

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'
   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list
')' .  ['*']

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    $default  reduce using rule 14 (function_declarator2)

    compound_statement  go to state 42

state 36

   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   16                           | parameter_declaration ',' .
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 43
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 37

   18 parameter_declaration: declaration_specifier pointer .

    $default  reduce using rule 18 (parameter_declaration)

state 38

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' . parameter_declaration_list ')'
   15                     | IDENTIFIER '(' . ')'
   16 parameter_declaration_list: . parameter_declaration ','
   17                           | . parameter_declaration
   18 parameter_declaration: . declaration_specifier pointer
   19                      | . declaration_specifier
   22 declaration_specifier: . INT
   23                      | . DOUBLE
   24                      | . FLOAT
   25                      | . VOID

    INT     shift, and go to state 1
    DOUBLE  shift, and go to state 2
    FLOAT   shift, and go to state 3
    VOID    shift, and go to state 4
    ')'     shift, and go to state 44

    parameter_declaration_list  go to state 45
    parameter_declaration       go to state 27
    declaration_specifier       go to state 28

state 39

    6 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    compound_statement  go to state 46

state 40

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list . ')' compound_statement

    ')'  shift, and go to state 47

state 41

    8 compound_statement: '{' '}' .

    $default  reduce using rule 8 (compound_statement)

state 42

    5 function_define: declaration_specifier IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 5 (function_define)

state 43

   16 parameter_declaration_list: parameter_declaration ','
parameter_declaration_list .

    $default  reduce using rule 16 (parameter_declaration_list)

state 44

   15 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 15 (function_declarator2)

state 45

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list . ')'

    ')'  shift, and go to state 48

state 46

    6 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 6 (function_define)

state 47

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' . compound_statement
    8 compound_statement: . '{' '}'

    '{'  shift, and go to state 33

    compound_statement  go to state 49

state 48

   14 function_declarator2: IDENTIFIER '(' parameter_declaration_list ')' .

    $default  reduce using rule 14 (function_declarator2)

state 49

    4 function_define: declaration_specifier pointer IDENTIFIER '('
parameter_declaration_list ')' compound_statement .

    $default  reduce using rule 4 (function_define)

when I use bison :
 bison -r all -d -o xx.cpp xx.ypp
there is all waring , no shift/reduce or reduce/reduce conflict !!!

I want to know , Why bison think the "comound_statement"    as
useless  noterminater  ???

why I have so many useless rule and no-terminator ???

please Help Me !!

help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

this is long email to be honest i think your trying to do everything at once. If your designing a grammar for a language try to build it up slowly until your more confident with yacc and what you want to do.

So lets look at your compound statement:

                : '{' '}'
                | '{' statement_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list '}'
                | '{' declaration_list  statement_list'}'

So i am guessing this is the part say you were to define a function you would have grammar like:

TYPE IDENTIIFIER '(' param_list ')' compound_statement

Then compound statement can be:

{ int x; }

Hmm your going to get into a lot of problems here what i would do is:

statement: <any kind of expression>
. .......

block : block statement
          | statement

compound_statement: { }
                              |  { block }

And i don't think you've though what you want your grammar to do either, try not to just bust out a tonne of grammar without knowing what you want to do with your rules because you'll hit a wall and end up having to redo it all again.

If your trying to build a C compiler try to understand what kind of IR you want to build up and why, and then look at how you want your grammar to work because thats the link in how it all works.


help-bison@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-bison

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