hello bison team
    I have studied bison and developed software based on it. My question is one 
technical and later one is in general.
    After using bison for some reason, I developed parser generator which is 
unique in implementation compare to many years parser generators are modeled on 
yacc. Parser generator gills which I created is on github 
https://github.com/aakhare-anand/gills. In this the skeleton parser is library 
and actual auto generated code is just data structure. I am in process of 
developing tool to convert yacc like syntax file to the data structure. One 
thing I noticed is that if we have proper delimiter for action code blocks like 
{# or anything appropriate then we do not need to check for syntax of C in 
action code. I am not sure why this has not been simplified for easier 
implementation of parser generator. If there is any technical reason that it 
did not work out or has this been a discussion earier that did not conclude to 
go ahead with it, pls give me some pointers. If proper delimiters are used, 
rest of action code block can be left to compiler to compile it.
    Another in general question is after I developed the gills, if it needs to 
be used by some project, I could not figure out except compilers and 
interpreters can use it. I did it not because i am expert and earn through 
compiler or parser generator work and so my ideas about applications of parser 
generators are limited. Pls provide me any inputs on what software applications 
or industries are parser generators used heavily?


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