I've encountered a problem that I have no idea how to solve and it
doesn't seem that anyone on Stack Overflow knows anything either
(https://stackoverflow.com/q/75809021/3052438) so I came here, to the

I've found that I can write a very simple grammar with error recovery
which works perfectly as long as I don't use `%define parse.lac full`.
If I do, error recovery stops working in certain cases.
Here is an example that just expects each line to be a single
character 'x' with optionally the first line being '!'. The error
recovery is supposed to resume from an EOL.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int yylex();
    void yyerror(const char *);

%define parse.lac full
%define parse.error detailed


      init statements { printf("program finished successfully!\n"); }

    | '!' '\n' { printf("an optional \"special\" first line\n"); }

    | statements 'x' '\n' { printf("correct line\n"); }
    | statements error '\n' { yyerrok; printf("error line\n"); }


int yylex()
    char c;
    if (scanf("%c", &c) != EOF)
        return c;
        return YYEOF;

void yyerror(const char *s) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);

int main() {
    return yyparse();

Here is what it print when I pass 2 illegal lines without LAC turned on:
syntax error, unexpected invalid token, expecting end of file or 'x'
error line
syntax error, unexpected invalid token, expecting end of file or 'x'
error line
program finished successfully!
This is what I'm expecting but the error message misses the character
`!`. LAC is supposed to fix such problems. However, if I turn it on,
the output is just:
syntax error, unexpected invalid token, expecting end of file or '!' or 'x'
So, it generates the correct message now but it doesn't enter error
recovery at all.

I have no idea if this is some kind of a bug or if I'm doing it wrong.
Any help will be appreciated.

Attachment: the-example.y
Description: Binary data

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