On Mon, 13 Nov 2023 10:52:02 +0100
Hans Åberg <haber...@telia.com> wrote:

> > Let's start, shall we, with "is it a bug"?  
> The parser knows how to translate token numbers into names for error
> messages, but there is no API for that as far as I know.

I disagree.  Bison might know how to do that, but "the parser" does
not.  Bison is a parser-generator.  I'm writing "the parser" using
Bison. I implemented yyerror(). I'm producing the error message using
the only vehicle I've found, yytname.  It's insufficient to the

I now count 4 nonanswers to any of my questions.  I ask again: 

        Is it a bug?  

If my yytname array is not malformed, how can it be used?  If it cannot
be used, then it is too kind to call it merely "obsolescent".  

I'm not asking to be annoying.  I'm asking to be polite, to make sure I
didn't miss anything before reporting a bug.  If no one here knows,
I'll report it as a bug, and sort things out there.  


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