On Thu, 16 Nov 2023 12:20:48 +0100
Christian Schoenebeck <schoeneb...@crudebyte.com> wrote:

> "skeleton" refers to the common structure and parts of generated
> parsers that are independent of the specified tokens and grammar
> (i.e. language), so simply spoken the portions that are (more or
> less) copied verbatim, [...]

Yes, from 1000 feet up, I can imagine there is such a thing.  

According to Arthur Clarke, ?Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic?.  That's pretty much my understanding of
how Bison works. 
> > or when exactly I can depend on $$ = $1 having been executed.

> You mean the exact *order* of actions being executed, not whether or
> not they are executed at all, right?

That's right.  

I know that if there's no action, then { $$ = $1; } is provided by
default.  Clearly, that can never be the final step after a defined
action, as it would override the action or conceal the programmer's
failure to define a value for $$.  But I have the impression that $$ is
sometimes initialized at start-of-action, depending on the skeleton.  

So, I don't depend on it.  :-)


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