Excellent suggestion.
I followed your advice, translated into LP, and got scip to solve my
problem (with no extra settings) in less than 20min.

I also tried writing out to MPS (both wmps and freemps), but for some
reason scip produced incorrect results.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Ali Baharev <> wrote:
> Hi,
> SCIP implements more heuristics than GLPK. In certain cases this can
> make a significant difference.
> Why don't you just use GLPK to "translate" your GMPL model into cplex
> lp format and than use SCIP to solve that?
> In this way you do not have to learn anything new.
> Of course, you have to find the proper settings to make SCIP solve
> your problems quickly.
> Good luck,
> Ali

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