Hi Andrew,

How is the attempt to solving the bug I reported? I recently downloaded the
newest version of GLPK (4.65) and it is still crashing. If it was not
solved yet, could you please provide me with the fix you had sent at that

*Sylvain Fournier*
Gerente de Pesquisa Operacional
*48 3239-2428*
WPLEX Software Ltda.
Rod SC 401 no. 8600 Corporate Park bloco 5 sala 101
88050-000 Santo Antônio de Lisboa, Florianópolis SC +55 48 3239-2400
[image: WPLEX]

On Fri, 24 May 2013 at 12:03, Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> GLPK 4.50 Release Information
> *****************************
> Release date: May 24, 2013
> GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit) is intended for solving large-scale
> linear programming (LP), mixed integer linear programming (MIP), and
> other related problems. It is a set of routines written in ANSI C89 and
> organized as a callable library.
>         In this release:
>         A new version of LU-factorization routines were added.
>         Currently this version provides the same functionality as the
>         old one, however, the new version allows further improving.
>         Old routines for FHV-factorization used to update the basis
>         factorization were replaced by a new version conforming to the
>         new version of LU-factorization.
>         Some clarifications about using the name index routines were
>         added. Thanks to Xypron <xypron.g...@gmx.de> for suggestion.
>         Some typos were corrected in the MathProg language reference.
>         Thanks to Jeffrey Kantor <kanto...@nd.edu> for report.
>         A serious bug (out-of-range indexing error) was *tentatively*
>         fixed in the routine glp_relax4. Unfortunatly, this bug is
>         inherited from the original Fortran version of the RELAX-IV
>         code (for details please see ChangeLog), and since the code is
>         very intricate, the bug is still under investigation. Thanks to
>         Sylvain Fournier for bug report.
> See GLPK web page at <http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/glpk.html>.
> GLPK distribution can be ftp'ed from <ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glpk/> or
> from some mirror ftp sites; see <http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html>.
> MD5 check-sum is the following:
> 0c11cf9d53fe1becfb872f298f309ab2 *glpk-4.50.tar.gz
> GLPK is also available as a Debian GNU/Linux package. See its web page
> at <http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/glpk>.
> Precompiled GLPK binaries (lib, dll, exe) for 32- and 64-bit MS Windows
> can be downloaded from <http://winglpk.sourceforge.net/>.
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)
> iD8DBQFRn3oq0XvyMFmB6BgRAhMaAJ0XfjW2wwhb1wacFybU3QphMJxzZACfYWkg
> /MRnQXG1NolmXQ8Tk+7TtCo=
> =0GLz
> _______________________________________________
> Help-glpk mailing list
> Help-glpk@gnu.org
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-glpk

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