Tim X wrote:

> JS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Quokka wrote:
>>> Ryan Bowman wrote:
>>>>>>> Is there a shortcut combination that lets you
>>>>>shift between the
>>>>>>> different buffers?
>>> I use tabbar mode, this provides a nice graphical display
>>> of the buffers and provides functions for next buffer
>>> and prev buffer.
>>> link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emhacks/
>>> Paul
>> Could you give a short explanation on how to make it work?
>> I have made this in my .emacs file:
>> (require 'tabbar)
>> But when I restart emacs I get this error:
>> An error has occurred while loading `/home/johs/.emacs':
>> File error: "Cannot open load file", "tabbar"
>> To ensure normal operation, you should investigate the cause
>> of the error in your initialization file and remove it.  Start
>> Emacs with the `--debug-init' option to view a complete error
>> backtrace
>> ------------------------
>> I have placed the tabbar.el file in my load path.
> check your load-path variable is correct. C-h load-path <ret>
> check you have the correct read mode/permissions on the file
> Tim

Ok I found out that I needed to press C-h v "load-path". I get a big list of
all my load-paths and all my .el files are in one of them sp that should be

As I wrote before my setnu.el mode is working so I compared the permissions
with that for tabbar and they are the same.

So its in my load path and the permissions should be ok...what could else be
the problem?
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