David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> It keeps getting wierder and wierder. I have now writtin this in my .emacs
>> file:
>> (load-file "/home/johs/sml-mode/swbuff.el")
>             ^ non-breakable space
>> (require 'swbuff)
>> (global-set-key '[C-tab]   'swbuff-switch-to-next-buffer)
>> I get this error when I restart emacs:
>> An error has occurred while loading `/home/johs/.emacs':
>> Symbol's function definition is void: load-file 
>                                                  ^non-breakable space


> You can't cut&paste from Knode windows: it will deliver crap for
> spaces and possibly also hyphens.  So don't copy&paste: type the
> stuff carefully new.

Maybe we can help this guy replacing all those non-breaking spaces
with normal spaces? I could not find out how to enter that character
without (like with C-q ... ) pasting it into a call to replace-string.

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