Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 23.04.2005 um 00:27 schrieb Sebastian Schubert:
>> emacs shows me e.g. FÃÂrbe as a correction possibility, so
>> it looks like an encoding problem to me.
> Not really. GNU Emacs uses UTF-8. ÃÂ = C3 A4 = "Ã"
>> What can I do?
> Change your font or fontset. 

Mmmh. I set

emacs.font: -etl-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*

in my .Xresources.

> ISO 10646-1 is an Unicode encoding -- and 
> augment your environment with settings for LANG, LC_CTYPE like
> LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 that GNU Emacs sees, you're working in a mature
> environment. Seeing this environment it will set all buffers to UTF-8,
> except you provide a different coding.

I think utf8 is already working here. I can look at a utf8 file including
Georgian, Thai, Braille, mathematical signs,... without problems. C-h C
gives me

Coding system for saving this buffer:
  u -- mule-utf-8-unix
Default coding system (for new files):
  u -- mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)
Coding system for keyboard input:
Coding system for terminal output:
  u -- mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)
Defaults for subprocess I/O:
  decoding: u -- mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)
  encoding: u -- mule-utf-8 (alias: utf-8)

Only aspell isn't working in emacs. So there is no need of setting LANG
somewhere, isn't it? If it was still necessary, do I have to put it
into .Xressources?

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