Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 23.04.2005 um 13:24 schrieb Sebastian Schubert:
>> Only aspell isn't working in emacs. So there is no need of setting LANG
>> somewhere, isn't it? If it was still necessary, do I have to put it
>> into .Xressources?
> LANG and LC_CTYPE belong into your run-time environment, something the
> shell will reveal upon invoking env or printenv. These environment
> variables are set in your shell's rc file.

Thanks for information.
The variable is already set:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> env | grep "LANG"

> aspell is also known as american spell - guess why! ispell is more
> international and the best since 25 years.

I'll test both.

> Besides this: ÃÂ = C3 A4 = "Ã" - so there was an UTF-8 output made but
> not correctly recognized. You can check yourself with C-u C-x = on the
> characters in question ...

Yes, it shows me that it is not utf8. The problem is not aspell, though. It
is the ispell.el which I was able to patch with

(link found on It works now.

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