> Neat sig by the way.  What is "coin coin angle"?

    >        Michael Cadilhac, a.k.a. Micha [mika] |    _ coin
    _ coin
    >  _ angle
    >                        Epita/LRDE promo 2007 |  >(')____,  >(')____,
    > >(')____,
    >      2 rue de la Convention | |    (` =~~/    (` =~~/
    >  (` =~~/
    >    94270 Le Kremlin Bicetre | |
    > ~^~^`---'~^~^~^`---'~^~^~^`---'~^~^

    The first two ducks speak French, no doubt. (Try to pronounce it
    through your nose, as in Monty Python's movies, like: queng, queng.)
    But the third one? I have no idea!

The third duck doesn't quite "get" how to talk canard. It says "angle",
because it thinks that ducks are supposed to say "corner" (angle) - "coin"
means "corner, in French.

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