
I have a Debian Sarge computer and a Sid computer, On Sarge if I press
the home or end keys in any buffer it simply puts a ~ into the buffer.

On the Sid computer it works as expected and calls M-x end-of-buffer
or M-x beginning-of-buffer.

So to eliminate the my configuration file I ran emacs -q but got the
same problem.

The Sarge box has no X installed, I ssh into it. On the command line,
outside emacs, C-v(home) C-v(end) both produce ^[[7~^[[8~ on both
computers so it seems my terminals are set up properly.

The only way for me to jump to the end of a file is to use the M-x
end-of-buffer command which gets annoying pretty quickly.

If I fire up vim, home and end keys work (they do beginning and end of
line in vim) So it seems that because Vim works and the shell C-v works
it is not a problem with my setup, but emacs -q wont fix it so its not a
problem with my ~/.emacs file. I guess these are reasonably safe

M-x version:
GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (i386-cc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of
2005-03-17 on trouble, modified by Debian
GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (i386-WC-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of
2005-03-17 on trouble, modified by Debian 

I have tried to set it directly into my ~/.emacs

;; home and end goto beginner and end of file
(global-set-key [(end)] 'end-of-buffer)
(global-set-key[(home)] 'beginning-of-buffer)

this does not work either. Please if you have any idea how to fix this
let me know!

Thank you.

-----Angelina Carlton-----
orchid on irc.freenode.net

>  LocalWords:  emacs Xaw goto

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