Wow, that's perfect! It works just as you said, and it's a great idea to
have it bound to the other-window command as well. Thanks for the tip!


Angelina Carlton wrote:
Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thanks again for the help, and if anyone knows another way to get at
the windows key...

I asked in irc about this and for me, on Debian unstable this works:

run xkbprint :0.0 /tmp/
this makes a diagram of your layout

gv /tmp/
take a look at what the keys are, my left logo key is F13 key 115,
my right logo key is Super_R key 116

so the command:
xmodmap -e "keycode 115 = F13" enables the left logo key (i placed this command in my xfce4 start up script)

Then in my .emacs

;; Jump to other window
(global-set-key [(f13)] 'other-window)

hopefully that works for you too.

(thank you edrx in irc!)

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