Peter Dyballa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is C-h k <Windows key+another key> returns just <another key>?

For me it returns: ~ 
That is, if I press win-logo in a writable buffer, it prints a ~ and
beeps my terminal. If the buffer is not writable it simply beeps.

> If not, you could by hand 'M-x global-set-key <the combination> RET
> scroll-other-window RET C-x ESC ESC C-a C-k C-g' -- bind the key and
> start to repeat-previous-command. The cursor goes into the minibuffer,
> where you put it at the beginning and then kill the whole line. Now an
> interrupt, and you're ready to yank/paste the valid ELisp expression
> into .emacs ... it wouldn't look pretty with a number instead of
> symbols (that's what I am used from X11 or Apple's Aqua), but it would
> work.

So trying by hand, M-x global-set-key NET <virology> NET
puts this in my mini buffer:

Set key ESC [ 2 5 to command: ~ 

I deleted the ~ and typed other-window and then did the 
ESC ESC stuff you mentioned. to get:

Redo: (global-set-key "[25" (quote other-window))

So i have tried in my .mics:
(global-set-key "[25" (quote other-window))
(global-set-key "[25" 'other-window)

And now it does switch windows but prints the tilde also :-\

How can get rid of the tilde? 

Thanks for the help!

-----Angelina Carlton-----
orchid on

>  LocalWords:  ESC

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