Peter Dyballa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> I think I understood this.  But this means that I can change the
>> file-encoding of a file with emacs, doesn't it?
> Yes. I Usually revert buffer from file with new encoding, C-x RET r 
> <encoding> RET and save the file in that encoding. I'd say it works 
> reliably!

(I suppose you mean C-x RET f ...)
Lucky guy, my problem is, it doesn't seem to work for me :-(

>> What I cite in my mails are the strings as emacs shows them to me when
>> loading one of the files.  So the question is, /why/ are they not
>> UTF-8?  Does eclipse do a wrong latin-1 to utf-8 conversion?
> I don't know and use Eclipse. Test is with its own documentation -- and 
> some reliably encoded files!

Meanwhile I found out how to specify the encoding of a file in eclipse
(prior to loading), which leads to correctly encoded files (latin1 and
utf-8).  What remains is the problem with emacs and UTF-8 files.

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