On 8/31/09, Rhys Ulerich <rhys.uler...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Designing a good C++ wrapper to any matrix
>  > library is difficult provided one tries to keep C++ semantics.
> It may be easier, if you have a favorite C++ matrix/vector library, to
>  design a GSL-wrapper for the matrix/vector library itself.
>  For example, write wrappers that accept ublas [1] or eigen2 [2]
>  matrices and vectors, wrap the same storage with gsl_matrix and
>  gsl_vector views, and then call the GSL methods directly.  Such
>  GSL-ublas or GSL-eigen2 bindings would be independent of both
>  projects, mainly boilerplate, and easy to test for correctness.
>  - Rhys

Many good and tested libraries like LAPACK have come from Fortran and
use column-major matrix storage incompatible with GSL. One cannot
simply wrap them up in some sort of GSL objects that can be passed to
GSL functions.


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