John D Lamb wrote:

I’ve written some wrappers for GSL matrices and vectors and might can
help if someone has a suitable project.

While Rodney is right that there are some issues with creating a
practical OO interface, C++ is not the same as OO and OO is not the same
as operator overloading (assuming OO means object orientation).

I was talking about both OO and operator overloading.

Another approach to wrapping GSL functions for C++ is to use shared
pointers, namespaces and exceptions. Typically I might create a class
gsl::vector that is an extended shared pointer and whose member
functions look much like the original functions. The main benefit is not
having to deallocate memory explicitly and only once.

Well, it seems like there is plenty of interest. We should all work together and create an add-on. We can call it GSL++. I'm in the
process of working on my PhD which will mean that I'll have an
ample opportunity to use it.  However, I strongly recommend that
the test-bed be integral rather than an after-thought.  For each
feature, there should be a corresponding check.  I don't really
understand dejaGNU/etc. so I can't contribute much to this aspect.


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