I use LAPACK almost exclusively for linear algebra problem, most notably for
eigenvalue problems.  GSL's linear algebra routines simply aren't ready for
primetime, ie.e, they literally require orders of magnatude more CPU time
that LAPACK.

I use LAPACK with Cygwin 1.7 Works wonderfully well.   I've also built
LAPACK+BLAS to work with MinGW.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Brian Gough <b...@gnu.org> wrote:

> At Mon, 04 Jul 2011 10:29:26 +0200,
> Marco Maggi wrote:
> > In general, is  it maybe time to consider  to rely on LAPACK
> > now that they have made these changes to the C API?  I still
> > have  to try  the  latest  LAPACK, but  from  the README  of
> > "lapacke.tgz":
> >
> >   This implementation introduces:
> >
> >   - row-major and  column-major matrix layout  controlled by
> >     the first function parameter;
> >
> Thanks for that, I hadn't seen the release announcement for the latest
> lapack.  It's a significant development and it should definitely be
> possible to integrate GSL better with lapack now.
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