
Em [2021-01-15 sex 18:07:40+0100], zimoun escreveu:

> As far as I know, Guix provides the security support that upstream
> releases.

I too suppose so in general.  But I would like a more authoritative
answer for the specific case of Python2.  And, in fact, this should be
publicly documented---in the manual or in the website, as well as the
description of the python2 package and maybe also in the description of
all python2-.* packages.

> Using the Guix time-machine, the code that works now should work
> exactly the same in the future, even if Python 2 is removed in the
> future Guix releases.  Does it make sense?

The problem is that OfflineIMAP is Internet software, and therefore, I
believe, it is important to have security support for it (including its


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