> From: Richard Copley <rcop...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:29:28 +0100
> Cc: help-make@gnu.org
> Having passed that hurdle, I see that GCC does not handle the
> named-semaphore jobserver in native GNU Make on Windows. (I had to
> read GCC's source to see it, since the error in that case simply says
> "'--jobserver-auth=' is not present in MAKEFLAGS". This subproblem
> appears to be unintentional and I have reported it on the GCC
> bugtracker.) None of that is a Make problem, of course.

Just curious: why does GCC need to know about Make's jobserver?
(Since you say "GCC source", I presume you are not talking about the
GCC build scripts, but GCC itself.)

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