On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 07:31, Eli Zaretskii <e...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > From: Richard Copley <rcop...@gmail.com>
> > Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 23:29:28 +0100
> > Cc: help-make@gnu.org
> >
> > Having passed that hurdle, I see that GCC does not handle the
> > named-semaphore jobserver in native GNU Make on Windows. (I had to
> > read GCC's source to see it, since the error in that case simply says
> > "'--jobserver-auth=' is not present in MAKEFLAGS". This subproblem
> > appears to be unintentional and I have reported it on the GCC
> > bugtracker.) None of that is a Make problem, of course.
> Just curious: why does GCC need to know about Make's jobserver?
> (Since you say "GCC source", I presume you are not talking about the
> GCC build scripts, but GCC itself.)

Its link-time optimization has some jobs to perform in parallel, and
attempts to do so by writing out a makefile and executing the program
named in the environment variable "MAKE" (or by executing "make", if
none). At the linking stage, when using link-time optimization, one
often gets the following message:

lto-wrapper.exe: warning: using serial compilation of 2 LTRANS jobs
lto-wrapper.exe: note: see the '-flto' option documentation for more information

The "-flto" documentation does not directly explain the error or what
to do about it, so one has a fun puzzle. (Or one can ignore the
warning, as I have been doing for many years already. It doesn't do
any harm.)

Passing "-flto=jobserver" does not work, in the first instance because
the "--jobserver-auth=" argument in MAKEARGS is overvalidated. GCC
ignores it (and removes it from MAKEARGS) unless it is a pair of
numbers or contains "fifo:".

But passing "-flto=n" (where n is a number which should be used as the
argument to the "-j" option in the inferior make) does not work

One can set "export MAKE:=$(MAKE)" in a target-specific variable in
the top-level makefile to pass "mingw32-make" (the installed name of
native Windows GNU Make in its MSYS2 package) through to GCC, and then
GCC creates a temporary makefile and executes "mingw32-make", but an
error message is printed:

The system cannot find the path specified.
mingw32-make[1]: [C:\Users\buster\AppData\Local\Temp\cc4moXuq.mk:3:
C:\Users\buster\AppData\Local\Temp\ccCEYc1I.ltrans0.ltrans.o] Error 1

The file that could not be found is presumably
"$(prefix)/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/14.1.0/collect2.exe" (another
layer of wrapping for the linker). I don't know why it isn't found.
Perhaps it is not on the path. By this time the temporary makefile has
been deleted, and for now, I have lost the motivation to debug

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