Yeah, I do product roadmaps and I know why they suck.  I'm thinking
more like:  "If the trade winds blow the right way, here are some
things we think would be neat:"  No commitment, but just to show that
stuff is happening and what the general flavor is.  Even "next week,
if I get lucky, I'll start to think about feature N that I dreamed up
last night after drinking too much Brawndo."

I think promoting ideas via this list is perfectly fine as long as you
think that's a workable approach.  I don't like voting systems either
because most can either be gamed easily or take enough time to build
and manage that they replace a useful feature.

I'd love to see, some day:

Document-based DB support, like Couch
Ferret (still not sure what to do next)

On Apr 16, 5:13 pm, "Adam Wiggins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 11:23 AM, justindz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  It would be nice to see a list of features that you're intending to
> >  add, assuming stability remains in place.  Not as a guaranteed, set-in-
> >  stone thing, but just some of the requests that you're planning to hit
> >  in the next 6 months or something.
> Yeah... I'm leery of this sort of thing, because it can lead to
> disappointment and other bad feelings.  Partially because we may not
> do whatever's on the list if something else higher-value comes along,
> and partially because we might do it but not in a way that people
> envisioned.  Maybe the way we did do it is actually better (hopefully,
> it is) but if some people had their heart set on one thing and got
> another, well, it doesn't matter if it's better.
> This is especially true in a space that is as new as ours.  Even in
> the seven months or so we've been doing this, we've already seen some
> pretty major new technologies appear, and with a firm roadmap, we
> might find it harder to take advantage of them.
> Here's a nice post on that topic:
> Still, I see your point - you'd like to know what we have in mind for
> the future.  Maybe we'll think about how we can share that in a way
> that's vague enough that it will sidestep these concerns.
> > A feature request system might be
> > nice too, given that some of us have things we'd really love to
> > register, even if they involve pie flying through the sky.
> We'll probably do this at some point.  For now, post here, or email us
> privately - even though we don't respond to everything, we definitely
> read it all.
> Adam
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