Adam, how are the sessions handled on heroku?

I solved an issue with Lockdown locally by clearing my sessions, but I
can't get it working on Heroku yet. I'm assuming it's got something to
do with not being able to clear the sessions, though I've deleted my
cookies and tried both rake tmp:sessions:clear and db:sessions:clear

2008/9/24 oliver barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> just as an update, I loaded the schema directly and got past the last
> bump. I'm still having problems with lockdown, but so far i'm looking
> at them at the app level
> On Sep 24, 3:28 pm, "Oliver Barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> ok, so I reinstalled the plugins without using submodules, and pushed
>> them to my app on heroku. also unpacked a missing gem (lockdown) +
>> dependencies. but I can't run the necessary migrations for this gem, I
>> keep getting this error, which I haven't figured out yet... my
>> impression is that postgres doesn't like lockdown's sql?
>> rake aborted!
>> PGError: ERROR:  relation "users" does not exist
>> : ALTER TABLE "users" ADD COLUMN "role" character varying(20)
>> (See full trace by running task with --trace)
>> (in /mnt/home/userapps/35365)>> Lockdown sync failed: PGError: ERROR:  
>> relation "permissions" does not exist
>> : SELECT * FROM "permissions"     WHERE (name = E'Investors
>> Management')  LIMIT 1
>> == 20080610222144 AddRoleToUsers: migrating ====================
>> -- add_column("users", :role, :string, {:limit=>20})
>> 2008/9/23 Oliver Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> > hm, it's failing for some reason:
>> >>> `git submodule init`
>> > Your mongrel is not responding, check to see if there is a crash log.
>> >>> `git submodule update`
>> > Your mongrel is not responding, check to see if there is a crash log.
>> > 2008/9/23 Oliver Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >> thanks Adam, I hadn't thought of running system commands from the console.
>> >> what would you recommend in place of using submodules to manage
>> >> updating plugins? just running script/plugin update [some_plugin] and
>> >> then commiting the changes through git?
>> >> 2008/9/23 Adam Wiggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> >>> Generally, I'd probably recommend against submodules.  However, you
>> >>> can run the git submodule commands directly using the console (inside
>> >>> the web editor -> gear menu -> console) if you really want to.  For a
>> >>> freshly pushed project, this would be:
>> >>> `git submodule init 2>&1`
>> >>> `git submodule update 2>&1`
>> >>> Adam
>> >> --
>> >> Oliver Azevedo Barnes
>> >> +55 11 9768 0193
>> >>
>> >>
>> > --
>> > Oliver Azevedo Barnes
>> > +55 11 9768 0193
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Oliver Azevedo Barnes
>> +55 11 9768 
>> 0193
> >

Oliver Azevedo Barnes
+55 11 9768 0193

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