There was a recent blog post about this, along the same lines as Mat's

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Mat Schaffer <>wrote:

> On Apr 28, 2009, at 1:50 PM, teejayvanslyke wrote:
> > Is anyone else using Heroku for two environments running different
> > branches of the same repository on each?  What is your solution?
> I'm not doing this, but from my knowledge of git it should be totally
> doable. You'd have two heroku apps, for the sake of discussion call
> them "myprodapp" and "mystagingapp".
> You'd add both of these as remotes to your git repo:
> git remote add prod
> git remote add staging
> Then when you want to push to prod from master do:
> git checkout master
> git push prod master
> When you want to push to staging do:
> git checkout edge
> git push staging master
> Git push can also take a source branch so the checkout isn't even
> necessary really. You should be able to do:
> git push master:master
> git push edge:master
> I could be a little off, but that's the basic idea. Check out 'git
> push --help' for more details. Also is
> helpful for dealing with remote branches.
> -Mat
> >

Dan Croak

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