I ran into a similar need yesterday. I wanted to have a Heroku cron
task create a bundle of my app, to get a daily DB backup.

Here is my task:

task :cron => :environment do
  require 'heroku'
  heroku_username = ENV['HEROKU_USERNAME']
  heroku_password = ENV['HEROKU_PASSWORD']

  if heroku_username.nil? || heroku_password.nil?
    raise "Missing heroku username and/or password"

  puts "Capturing bundle..."
  heroku = Heroku::Client.new( heroku_username, heroku_password )
  bundle_name = heroku.bundle_capture "bagnolia-production"
  puts "Finished initiating capture of bundle '#{bundle_name}'"


1. Add the heroku gem to your .gems file or vendor it, so its
available to your app. Require the heroku gem.
2. create a new install of Herkou::Client, which needs your username
and password. I put mine into the app's config to keep it out of
source control.
3. call an instance method on the client object. It looks like you'll
want to use add_domain(). You can see all the methods here:


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