They offer a paid support plan with guaranteed response times:
"We offer ticket-based support for all Heroku users through our
zendesk ticket system, Mon-Fri from 6am-6pm PST. If you need specific
response times and SLAs, we offer custom packages. Please contact us
for more info."

On Sep 16, 3:06 pm, Mike <> wrote:
> Are people comfortable with using Heroku on serious applications? If
> so, how did they come to that decision?
> I have been developing my application on Heroku for some time now, and
> I've observed that the support can be really worryingly uneven.
> I'm running a modest sized app, it's costing me around $150 a month,
> so at this amount, I know that I can't have dedicated support staff on
> call whenever I want. However, even when I select "My app is
> unavailable" which is presumably their highest level of support, hours
> can sometimes pass before anyone even gets assigned to my ticket.
> In my current case, I was upgrading from using Postgres search on my
> app to Websolr search. To do this, I planned to push as two separate
> pushes with a migration in between, and their push tool died in the
> middle of my second push, apparently due to the fact that New Relic
> was not responding. Now every time I push Heroku is rejecting it
> saying there is already a slug being compiled, leaving my app in a
> half-upgraded broken state.
> It's been like this for hours now, and the support ticket is still
> "awaiting assignment to a help desk operator" and there isn't really a
> single thing I can do to try and improve on the situation. There's
> nothing I can do to escalate my request, and everything is so
> abstracted there's no way I can try to fix the problem.
> Just last month there was another thread by someone whose app was
> mysteriously stuck in maintenance mode with no one assigned to their
> support ticket for an entire day.
> I love how easy Heroku makes it for me to rapidly prototype and
> develop my app, but it's hard to see how I can stay on it long term
> with such uneven support. Combine this with the fact that when error
> messages do come out, and they're terribly unprofessional messages
> directed towards administrators rather than end users, and I almost
> feel like they don't even want Heroku to be something that serious
> applications can use. I submitted a ticket about the error messages
> when I first saw them like half a year ago, and they said they'd fix
> them, and they're still like this.
> Maybe I'm just frustrated right now, what are others' thoughts on this?

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