I was moving through the tutorial at railstutorial.org when I reached
chapter 3 in which the book instructs me to "git push heroku master".
I have already successfully used heroku on an example project from an
earlier chapter of the book, but when I tried to execute this command
on the project in chapter 3, I received this error:

-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Removing .DS_Store files
-----> Rails app detected
-----> Detected Rails is not set to serve static_assets
       Installing rails3_serve_static_assets... done
-----> Gemfile detected, running Bundler version 1.0.3
       Unresolved dependencies detected; Installing...
       You have modified your Gemfile in development but did not check
       the resulting snapshot (Gemfile.lock) into version control

       You have deleted from the Gemfile:
       * version: 1.0.6
       FAILED: http://docs.heroku.com/bundler
 !     Heroku push rejected, failed to install gems via Bundler

error: hooks/pre-receive exited with error code 1
To g...@heroku.com:full-star-44.git
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (pre-receive hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 'g...@heroku.com:full-star-44.git'

The book did tell me to make changes to the Gemfile leading up to
this, but nothing involving "version: 1.0.6".  In fact, there was
never anything with the string "version: 1.0.6" in my Gemfile that I
know of.  It just told me to add the following lines to the Gemfile so
that I could use rspec with the new project:

group :development do
  gem 'rspec-rails', '2.0.1'

group :test do
  gem 'rspec', '2.0.1'
  gem 'webrat', '0.7.1'

I am using Mac OS X 10.5.8, xcode, and terminal to develop this

Can anyone help me fix these errors?


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