Solving my own problem...will soon report my solution for all to see,

On Jan 19, 7:32 am, rubynoob <> wrote:
> Sorry, I forgot to provide some important details.  Someday I won't be
> so noobish about all this stuff.  :)
> I'm using Ruby 1.8.6 on Windows XP, Rails 2.3.2, heroku gem 1.15.1,
> and delayed_job gem 2.0.5.
> I would have tried ddollar's heroku-autoscale, but it's not ready for
> production apps, and from what I've read, doesn't scale workers, only
> dynos.  I tried lostboy's workless gem, but couldn't get it working
> (sorry, it's been several days, and I can't remember why it didn't
> work--I may try again).
> Thanks.
> Jim Costello
> On Jan 18, 12:36 pm, rubynoob <> wrote:
> > I'm trying a different approach to autoscaling workers in my heroku
> > app.
> > I'm using a custom config variable in my heroku config I've labeled
> > 'WORKER_COUNT', which represents how many workers are running
> > currently.  I've also added HEROKU_USERNAME, HEROKU_PASSWORD, and
> > HEROKU_APP to my heroku config.
> > I added "require 'heroku'" at the beginning of my application
> > controller, and a method to add a worker and increment 'WORKER_COUNT'
> > by one...:
> >         def add_heroku_worker
> >                 heroku =['HEROKU_USERNAME'],
> >                 myapp = heroku(ENV['HEROKU_APP'])
> >                 worker_count = heroku(ENV['WORKER_COUNT'])
> >                 qty = worker_count + 1
> >                 heroku.add_config_vars(myapp, {"WORKER_COUNT" => qty})
> >                 heroku.set_workers(ENV['HEROKU_APP'], qty)
> >         end
> > ...and another method (called 'subtract_heroku_worker') to subtract a
> > worker and deprecate 'WORKER_COUNT' by one.
> > I call add_heroku_worker right after delaying a job...:
> >         @job.delay.import(path)
> >         add_heroku_worker
> > ...and subtract_heroku_worker right after the job sucessfully
> > completes.
> > Problem is, nothing seems to be happening.  I get no errors, but no
> > workers, either.  I suspect either my syntax is wrong, or I'm just
> > going about this the wrong way.
> > Can anybody help shed some light on this?

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