
I guess it should be doable to have a dependency on and implement both 
APIs but I'm afraid you can't do that with plain Java, you need a build 
tool to introduce these bridge methods with possible conversions.

I have been using the following tool in the past to support multiple 
versions of Spring:


You have to annotate the methods for which to generate bridges and 
specify how to convert the return type via a private method.

@WithBridgeMethods(value = javax.persistence.Query.class, adapterMethod 
= "convert")

jakarta.persistence.Query createQuery(String queryString) { ... }

If you omit "adapterMethod", it will just do a cast.

There is a maven plugin to do the byte code rewrite during build:

                     <!-- Replace the old ASM version by the new one to 
support JDK9+ -->

But updating ASM for the plugin requires some trickery. Since we are 
using Gradle, we have to implement this ourselves anyway and it looks 
pretty straightforward: 

Overall, this looks doable, but will be a lot of work :D


Am 10.03.2020 um 12:56 schrieb Sanne Grinovero:
> Hi Christian,
> On Tue, 10 Mar 2020 at 11:33, Christian Beikov
> <christian.bei...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey,
>> do you think it is feasible to create a separate artifact that is a
>> bytecode rewriting of the main artifact, replacing javax.persistence by
>> jakarta.persistence. This should be no big deal as e.g. the Maven Shade
>> Plugin does that as well. We would only need to accept additonal
>> poperties like e.g. jakarta.persistence.jdbc.user in addition to
>> javax.persistence.jdbc.user.
> yes that's an option, but beyond the configuration properties (and
> thanks for reminding me of those!) I think the bulk of our work would
> be in making sure we recognize both sets of annotations.
> So for at least annotations and properties, changes would need to be
> made to the core. Then to expose the different APIs we could have a
> different, bytecode enhanced artifact, but it gets a bit tricky then
> for other projects that integrate with it: will all project e.g.
> Hibernate Search and Hibernate Validator need the same split, and will
> this lead to an explosion of possible permutations?
>  From my side I think that even if that's cool, it will be hard for
> people to migrate if your libraries operate on an assumption of
> "either or": if we could support both mapping styles while exposing
> both APIs, the migration path becomes easier as people can do it in
> smaller steps.
>> That way, only minimal changes would be required and we'd have a
>> separate artifact that can be consumed for Jakarta EE users. Maybe we
>> could make Hibernate 6 JPA 3 only?
> Yes I hope so. A consequence however would be that if we don't do a
> 5.x version which is able to allow people to use either JPA2 and 3, I
> would be afraid that we'd be introducing a significant adoption
> barrier for 6: we need to make sure it's easy for people to get there
> before we drop JPA 2.
> Thanks!
> Sanne
>> Regards,
>> Christian
>> Am 10.03.2020 um 12:17 schrieb Sanne Grinovero:
>>> Hi all,
>>> as a consequence of having moved all Java EE technologies to the
>>> Jakarta EE project at the Eclipse foundation, the API needs to change
>>> so to address the Oracle trademark requirements.
>>> The new JPA project lives here:
>>>    - https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api
>>> For context, to make it simpler for people to adopt the new API the
>>> Jakarta EE team decided to not allow any other change to the API; this
>>> would make it possible for people to migrate their existing code bases
>>> by running a simple "search and replace all".  This implies that even
>>> though it's a new major version, it's sadly not a good time to
>>> challenge any API or spec working as this is intentionally frozen.
>>> And (our very own!) Scott Marlow helped with the primary change, which
>>> you can see here having quite an impact:
>>>    - https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api/pull/231
>>> It's just a small change of renaming all packages "javax.persistence"
>>> to "jakarta.persistence" .. but it has wide impact all over.
>>> We should start thinking how to make support for JPA 3 happen in
>>> Hibernate ORM; there's of course many options, but we need to take
>>> into account some points:
>>> to
>>> 1)We can't spend years of brilliant minds on this
>>> 2)We don't want to make the migration too hard to users
>>> 3)We normally promise backwards compatibility within minor releases of
>>> our projects
>>> 4)While Hibernate ORM 6 is making great progress, it's a very large
>>> quest to finish it. It's not wise to try to time-box it, while we
>>> might need to deliver JPA 3 at some (TBD) reasonable deadline.
>>> 5)Whatever we do, it shall not have a major burden on the team working
>>> on ORM6 as that's our most important project.
>>> I hope we agree on these points?
>>> So I think I will spend some time exploring the fesability of a JPA
>>> 3.0 in some 5.x branch, while aiming at maintaining backwards
>>> compatibility.
>>> To address requirement 1# , I'll just explore this without making a
>>> commitment to the plan.. also I think it would be interesting to
>>> explore a partial migration, for example I suppose it might be
>>> possible for us to "accept" the use of mapping annotations from JPA
>>> 3.0 (on top of the ones from JPA 2.0) while not exposing the full
>>> proper API yet.
>>> Considering the API is literally the same contract, if you except the
>>> package name, it might be feasible to expose the full JPA 3.0 in a
>>> backwards compatible way as well but this might require:
>>>    - use of bridge methods, e.g. bytecode manipulation at build time [1]
>>>    - depend on both JPA API packages
>>> In particular I wonder, how would you all feel if (for example)
>>> Hibernate ORM 5.5.x were to depend on both JPA 2 and JPA 3 API
>>> artifacts?
>>> And additional change to take into account is that the JPA3 API now
>>> defines a module-info resource; it would be nice to try taking
>>> advantage of that but it's of course more complicated if we have a
>>> hybrid JPA 2/3 implementation. I guess that aspect will have to wait
>>> for ORM6, but also that ORM6 being rebased on this work could benefit
>>> from using the JPA3 groundwork.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sanne
>>> 1 - https://github.com/dmlloyd/bridger
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