Hi everyone,

We will be making a major announcement soon, and I would prefer that everyone here learns about this development here, rather than in the press, or on TSS.

As you must realise, Hibernate and the Hibernate project have been created entirely by people working in their spare time, using donated resources. Development of Hibernate was never at any stage supported by any commercial (or nonprofit) organization, and the project never had any kind of income.

The people who have contributed code are all (I hope) listed in the changelog. I also need to single out Christian Bauer who, though his name does not appear there, has been essential to the success of the project due to his work on the website and documentation and many other thankless tasks.

Its also a good point at which to thank all our users for being one of the coolest developer communities on the Internet. Even when I'm a rude grumpy bastard answering forum posts at 3am, I'm always happy to see people using Hibernate.

The success of the project (and it is now a very successful project) has taken an enormous amount of time from my personal life. It is incredibly difficult to keep up with the huge amount of traffic in our forum, let alone find time for development, while at the same time holding down a "real" job.

Fortunately, we've now found a way to out.

JBoss Group will support the development of Hibernate, by hiring me to work full time on Hibernate, and on JBoss/Hibernate integration. In addition, myself and other members of the Hibernate team will now be able to provide commercial support and professional training through JBoss Group. This is something that many people have emailed me about, and I simply havn't been in a position to be able to do.

What this means for Hibernate users
* more resources for Hibernate development
* able to buy professional training / commercial support
* assurance that the Hibernate project continues to exist and grow

What the means for the Hibernate team
* a chance to make some money :)
* Gavin gets his life back (maybe)
* no longer have to beg and scrounge for money for things like domains

What this means for the Hibernate project
* more developers
* Hibernate will be distributed with JBoss application server
* lots more users
* an easier "sell" to management types
* we get a marketing team!

What this means for the JBoss project
* JBoss will use Hibernate as backbone of CMP layer
* Hibernate will complement JBoss AOP, being a POJO-oriented persistence layer

What this means for JBoss Group
* JBoss gets a great persistence engine!
* lends credibility to jboss.org as an umbrella for more than just the appserver project
* JBoss is able to sell Hibernate training and support

What it does NOT mean
* Hibernate will not become dependent upon JBoss! It is a central goal of the project to remain platform independant!
* you will not have to start paying for documentation
* we will not stop giving great support in the forums
* Hibernate will not be "swallowed" into the JBoss project; it remains a seperate project, now affiliated with jboss.org and supported by JBoss Group
* our central goals do not change: we remain committed to building the killer ORM implementation for Java!

Just in case its not yet clear, this is great news, and is a huge coup for both Hibernate and JBoss! The future of this project is now guaranteed.


Gavin King

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