We can’t use H3 unfortunately because we do not have enough time to add H3 support to Spring.  Is there any way this patch can be applied to H2?


From: William Draï [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:22 AM
To: Emmanuel Bernard
Cc: March, Andres; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Hibernate] Polymorphic queries, where and order by


I haven't yet tested with H3. I think there were no change logs related to this.
I will try as soon as I have enough time.

We can live without this "feature" for a few more weeks.

Thank you for your anwser.

Speaking from memory,
Gavin did implement something on the (now dead 2.2 branch). It now has been reporded on H3. Did you test it?
I can remembe, he'd implemented the transparent subclassing (no special keyword).

March, Andres wrote:

I'm sorry if I expand the subject a little.  We pulled a patch off the forums some where that allows us to order by any association.  I was wondering why this patch never got applied.  It seems it would be useful in this situation as well.  I am really uncomfortable using a patched hibernate because there are less eyes on it and it makes upgrading harder.  I can submit the patch as we've applied it if you like.  But also let me know if there is any reason for not allowing this type of functionality.  It has been extremely useful to us in our searches as I think it would be to others.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hibernate-devel-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of William Draï
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 1:31 AM
Subject: [Hibernate] Polymorphic queries, where and order by
Let's say we have the following (simplified) mapping :
<class name="A" table="T">
    <property name="field1" type="string"/>
    <subclass name="B">
       <property name="field2" type="string"/>
Now we can execute any HQL query on the class A using the field1, for
"from A a where a.field1 like 'anything%'" or "from A a order by a.field1"
The problems come when we want to use the field2 with the same queries.
Of couse in simple SQL it is possible to do
select * from T order by field2
But in HQL, "from A a order by a.field2" rightly fails because field2 is
not defined
for class A.
This causes problems in sortable or filtered data tables where the user
can sort or filter
by any column he wants.
There is currently only two options :
- allowing to sort only on columns of class A : possible but my users
won't be really happy
- "casting" the query to class B when the user sorts on a column of
class B : that means that the results
    count of the query is not the same when it is sorted than when it is
not ; it completely breaks the
    semantics of sorting/filtering
I understand it does not follow the OO approach of HQL but it would be
really useful to have an additional
syntax to allow using fields of the subclass in HQL queries, something
like "select a from A+ a order by a.field2",
or maybe an option in the Query interface like
What do you think of this ?
Note : this is an extension of the JIRA HB-792 and could allow to
resolve this case in a better way
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Emmanuel Bernard
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Direction France - Nouvelles technologies
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92612 Clichy Cedex


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