My question is: MiddleGen automatically creates this TbServicoDncPK, it´s another class when i use CodeGen.My code becomes more complex. so.... continues after the listed code

<class name=""  table="TB_SERVICO_DNC">

<composite-id name="comp_id" class="">

<key-property name="codTipoFamiliaInsumo" column="COD_TIPO_FAMILIA_INSUMO" type="byte" length="2"/>

<key-property name="codDependencia" column="COD_DEPENDENCIA" type="int" length="10"/>

<key-property name="codFamiliaDnc" column="COD_FAMILIA_DNC" type="int" length="10"/>

<key-property name="codServicoDnc" column="COD_SERVICO_DNC" type="int" length="10"/>


i´m erasing this PK classes like this:


<composite-id >


It has no name and i erase the class ..PK too.I work with many composite-id´s is it ok what i´m doing?

thanks in advance

Luiz Octavio Godoy

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