Yes I did. And I sent a mail on this list :-)

There are 2 distinct methods for defaulted columns and explicit columns in the naming strategy. And we don't require that a given method propertyToColumnCoreName() exists such as propertyToColumnName(a) = columnName( propertyToColumnCoreName( a ) );

1/ @Column(name="Name")
public String getColumnName()

2/ public String getName();

so basically 1/ and 2/ might lead to different column names. So far so good.

In annotations we sometimes refers the columns/tables by their names (in referencedColumnNames, uniqueConstraints, Indexes, org.hibernate.annotations.secondarytables)
How should be those references?
1/ The final result of the strategy? => that sucks because the strategy becomes partly useless 2/ The name equivalent to /propertyToColumnCoreName( )/ so that I can apply columnName( ) on them => not perfect but the best I can think of
3/ something else?

Basically the naming strategy support is very weak if we allow PropertyToColumn, ClassToTable and PropertyToTable. Any comments?

Gavin King wrote:


Currently I guess Hibernate Annotations is implementing the default column/table naming standards defined by the spec in AnnotationBinder. Have you given any thought to doing this stuff as a NamingStrategy? Most likely it would require some change to the NamingStrategy interface, but that is probably acceptable….

It's just that it would be more re-useable this way.

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