
to bill, yes I know ctx current thread is the only way, that was my whole point (using ctx current thread in
hibernate was actually the first patch i provided to hibernate core ;)

and yes, having a third classloader concept in the spec sounds like a very broken thing.
I would love to hear why it is needed.


The RI team is going to creak, but I'm inclined to remove it as well.

AS for your first remark, what's wrong with doing getResource with the regular classloader? I don't get it.

Bill Burke wrote:
I understand the need for PUInfo.getNewTempClassLoader() as getResource("META-INF/persistence.xml") may/will return multiples. Also, you may want to introspect the class for annotations before you decide what needs to be bytecode massaged.

As for getClassLoader()? I'm not sure of the reasoning. I know Scott has some spec input on this. Maybe we should get it removed?

Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
Year I'm aware of that Bill :-)
But in this case, and like Max said, why on earth the PersistenceUnitInfo has a getClassLoader() method instead of using the context CL?

Bill Burke wrote:

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

If it is for the spec then I would argue that the spec is very wrong since it will break all other kind of stuff. Like how will you convince all the external libraries hibernate uses to use your "magic" classloader ? (e.g. log4j, dom4j, cglib, yada, yada)

Thread.getContextCL() is the only way. If a library doesn't use Thread.getCCL() then it is a poorly written library. App server and J2EE in general require this because of classloader isolation (scoped ears or wars). If you are within Hibernate code and call Class.forName() it will use the classloader that loaded Hibernate to load the class. (read the javadocs) and you could get CCE, CNF exceptions. If you already know this, then apologies.

The same issues effect the loading of resources.


Max Rydahl Andersen


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