In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Eliminating Truth: The Development Of War Propaganda

The attack on Iraq looks set to be the most censored conflict of modern 
times. Media coverage in mainstream media will be controlled as never 
before. The US is determined to eliminate independent reporting of and from 
Iraq and it will go to unprecedented lengths to ensure that its propaganda 
and spin will dominate media agendas in the UK and US and it will expend 
massive resources in minimising critical coverage across the world.


Air Jesus: With The Evangelical Air Force

Perhaps the most startling moment of the morning was an appearance by 
popular Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries. "I 
love America," Arthur said, her voice quivering with emotion. "But if it 
came to a choice between Israel and America, I would stand with Israel." 
While the crowd applauded tepidly, I looked around and saw more than a few 
faces cringing with embarrassment.


Does the US Rule the World?

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

A scene from the theater of the absurd: the US Supreme Court hears a case 
concerning whether the Americans With Disabilities Act applies to foreign 
cruise ships porting in US harbors. It seems that some disabled people sued 
a Norwegian company because it discriminated against them. The case was 
batted around several courts until it landed in the hands of the America's 
own Wizards of Oz, as if anyone can solve such a tangled web of nonsense.


More War Crimes

Twisting the Minds of the American People


Let me paint a word picture. An unarmed, wounded American soldier is lying 
helpless, bleeding and barely conscious on the floor of a church in a 
country with which the US is at war. An armed soldier of that country walks 
up to the wounded American. It so happens that a TV cameraman is present. 
He films the foreign soldier shouting, "He's fucking faking he's dead!" One 
of his comrades says "And he's breathing". The first soldier again yells 
"He's faking he's fucking dead!" He then kills the helpless, wounded man 
with a burst of fire that blows his head off and spatters the room with 
blood and tiny bits of flesh and bone. One of the foreign soldiers says 
"He's dead, now."


“The Tools of Tyrants” - Jose Padilla and the 10 Commandments

So long as Padilla sits in prison, deprived of all his constitutional 
rights, there are no guarantees of personal liberty in America.

By Mike Whitney

It shouldn’t surprise us that the Supreme Court has decided to take a case 
about the public displaying of the 10 Commandments, but refused to hear the 
case of Jose Padilla, the alleged “dirty bomber”.


Land of ‘Murka’

An Inside Look at George W. Bush’s “Murka”
The religion of millions of Murkans is the Almighty Dollar; their god is 
greed; their temple of worship the television monitor sitting in the center 
of family affairs

By Manuel Valenzuela

Murka is the land of profit over people, revenues over integrity, 
corporations over citizens, pollution over environment, the bottom line 
over universal principles of humanity, injustice and inequality over 
justice and equality, greed over reason, and the addiction to wealth over 
the virtue of moderation.


US foreign policy: It is two-faced and despicable :

Sure, India must be friendly with Washington; national interests come 
first, as late J N Dixit, National Security Adviser, would have said, but 
even when making friends, we should have no illusions about what friends 
are like, in this case, the United States of America.


My truth By Giuliana Sgrena

At that point a rain of fire and bullets came at us, forever silencing the 
happy voices from a few minutes earlier. The driver started shouting we 
were Italians, "We are Italians! We are Italians . . ." Nicola Calipari 
dove on top of me to protect me and immediately, and I mean immediately, I 
felt his last breath as he died on me. I must have felt physical pain, I 
didn't know why. But I had a sudden thought: I recalled my abductors' 
words. They said they were deeply committed to releasing me, but that I had 
to be careful because "the Americans don't want you to return."


Is Lebanon walking into another nightmare?

By Robert Fisk in Beirut

Have we forgotten 150,000 dead? Have we forgotten the Western hostages? 
Have we forgotten the 241 Americans who died in the suicide bombing of 23 
October 1983? This democracy, if it comes, will be drenched with blood - 
but the blood will be that of the Lebanese who live here, not that of the 
foreigners who wish to bestow freedom upon them.


Agent Orange, Depleted Uranium and “Eating Your Own”

By: Jack Dalton

I’ve been thinking about the article I read about the lawsuit some 
Vietnamese people brought against the U.S. government for the use of Agent 
Orange during the 10 year American War in Vietnam—20 million gallons of 
it—and thinking about it deeply. The entire issue of Agent Orange use and 
contamination is a real sore spot with me on a personal level, as it is 
with many of us who were in Vietnam and in contact with that “stuff.”


Iraqi Election: So much for illusions

Despite the election, ordinary Iraqis face a daily struggle to survive 
attacks, kidnappings and killings

Haifa Zangana  - Monday March 7, 2005, The Guardian

Behind the facade of post-election political process, despite Tony Blair's 
desire to move on and George Bush's attempt to mend fences with Europe, in 
Iraq the atrocities continue to mount. Some, like the Hilla attack, are 
Zarqawi-style, with hundreds dead and wounded. Others are more mundane and 
sustained, like US warplanes bombing suspect houses in Ramadi, Hit, or 
Mosul, roadblock killings in Najaff, or post-curfew hunting by snipers in 


Iraqi Resistance Distances Itself From Civilian Blood:

The resistance faction called on its members to avoid cooperation, of any 
kind, with armed groups involved in killing Iraqis or civilians.


Italy honours officer slain by US:

Italy has paid homage to an intelligence officer killed in Iraq by US 
forces, giving him a full state funeral that was tinged with anger over how 
he was gunned down while protecting a freed Italian hostage.


Italian hostage accuses US of trying to kill her as thousands mourn her 
rescuer :

The former Italian hostage who saw her rescuer shot dead at a US checkpoint 
in Baghdad said yesterday they might have been targeted because of US 
objections to Italy's policy of negotiating with kidnappers.,2763,1432040,00.html


Outrage as US soldiers kill hostage rescue hero :

'The hardest moment was when I saw the person who had saved me die in my 
arms,' she said. Her poignant words and weak, haggard appearance as she had 
to be helped from the jet that brought her back from Baghdad are fuelling 
national rage.,6903,1431436,00.html


Shattered bridges:

Is there more to the abduction of Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena than 
meets the eye?


UK opposition party demands withdrawal of troops from Iraq :

British Prime Minister Tony Blair faced renewed criticism over his Iraq 
policy on Saturday when the leader of the opposition Liberal Democrats 
Charles Kennedy urged him to withdraw British troops from Iraq.


U.S. used banned weapons in Fallujah: health ministry :

Dr. Khalid ash-Shaykhli, an official at Iraq’s health ministry, said that 
the U.S. military used internationally banned weapons during its deadly 
offensive in the city of Fallujah.


In case you missed it:

Napalm Raid on Falluja? :

73 charred bodies -- women and children -- were found : We buried them, but 
we could not identify them because they were charred from the napalm bombs 
used by the Americans


In case you missed it: Napalm bombs in the Iraq war :

Until now, the Pentagon denied strictly any use of Napalm in the Iraq-war 
and repelled all suspicions made by US-journalists who were in Iraq with 
the US troops as embedded journalists . But this was a lie . As John Goetz 
and Georg Restle have found out now ."


At least 25 dead in Iraq attacks as parties thrash out coalition deal:

The worst bloodshed happened in Balad, north of Baghdad, when a suicide 
bomber blew up his vehicle at the home of an Iraqi army officer, killing 15 
people, who included at least two soldiers, and wounding 23, police said.


Bulgaria presses Washington over 'friendly fire' death in Iraq:

Bulgaria's Defence Minister Nikolay Svinarov said on Monday that US 
friendly fire was to blame for the death on Friday of a Bulgarian 


Lawyers' panel indicts Bush, Blair:

US President George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair deserve life 
sentences, with the possibility of parole after 25 years, for the war 
crimes and genocide in Iraq, according to a lawyers' panel.


FLASHBACK: Three Months On, Tension Lingers Near the Pentagon

Velasquez says the gas station's security cameras are close enough to the 
Pentagon to have recorded the moment of impact. "I've never seen what the 
pictures looked like," he said. "The FBI was here within minutes and took 
the film."


Bush Appoints Right-Wing Extremist to UN Post :

In a breathtaking victory for right-wing hawks, U.S. President George W. 
Bush has nominated Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and 
International Security John Bolton to become his next ambassador to the 
United Nations.


More On "John Bolton"


Charge him or let him go:

Holding U.S. citizens indefinitely with no recourse or prospect of 
resolving their status is un-American and just plain wrong.


Join the club:

The top ten other regimes that imprison without trial:


AP Linked to Disinfo on Sgrena's Story of Shooting

New Story Location: Full Story Here


CIA Flying Suspects To Torture:

Witnesses tell the same story: masked men in an unmarked jet seize their 
target, cut off his clothes, put him in a blindfold and jumpsuit, 
tranquilize him and fly him away. They're describing U.S. agents collaring 
terrorism suspects.


U.S. targets spy services abroad:

The new mission for counterintelligence is to identify foreign spies and 
terrorist threats, and then develop "a counterintelligence doctrine of 
attacking foreign intelligence services systematically via strategic 
counterintelligence operations,"


The Syrian Hoax:

Once again the Bush propaganda machine has swung into action, inciting 
America to believe there’s a terrible threat to the world’s future ­ a 
threat that must be destroyed, by force if necessary. And that threat is Syria.


What's Happening in Lebanon:

The sad part is that Israel produces "evidences" that are always "bought" 
in Washington.


Syria Orders Hamas, Jihad Leaders Out:

“Syria closed the offices of (Islamic) Jihad and Hamas, cut off their phone 
lines and ordered (Ramadan) Shallah and (Khaled) Meshaal to leave its 
territory,” ex-head of the Palestinian National Council, Khaled Al-Fahoum, 
told IOL


Reporters say there are signs that's Syria moving troops in Lebanon


Hizbollah Warns Against Withdrawal of Syrian Troops From Lebanon:

Lebanon's most powerful and only armed party - Hizbollah - called for 
peaceful protests on Tuesday in support of Syria and warned of mayhem if 
Syrian troops were to leave.


Israel: Partial Syrian pullout not enough :

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon wants Syria to withdraw completely from 
Lebanon, and will not be satisfied with only a partial pullout.


Uri Avnery: US policy risking civil war in Lebanon and chaos in Syria:

  When the banners of "freedom" and "democracy" are hoisted over a crusade 
by an avaricious and irresponsible superpower, the results can be catastrophic.


Study: Young American Jews ambivalent toward Israel :

"The attachment of American Jews to Israel has weakened measurably in the 
last two years," according to a study carried out by Prof. Steven Cohen of 
the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a leading researcher of U.S. Jewry.


Washington Post tries to dismiss Sgrena assassination attempt with the "it 
happens all the time" excuse

Posted Mar 7, 2005 07:45 AM PST - Category: ASSASSINATION


New York Times Continues to Stereotype Bloggers

Methinks the mainstream media doth protest too much!


How dare some say, 'Support our troops'? :

Someone recently informed me that they didn't know that my son was being 
deployed to Iraq and asked why I hadn't told them. I really didn't have an 


They're back from Iraq, but are they OK?:

One still jumps if you touch his neck. Others refuse to sleep in beds. 
Those who do may awake in a sweat.


The Silent Scream:

P.T.S.D. is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ~ and atleast one out of every 
six American soldiers in Iraq has it or will experience it.


Mother whose teenage son was shocked 16 times by police plans to sue

Davis said her son, Jim Wring, 18, still does not remember anything except 
blinding flashes of pain from the night of Nov. 2. She also said her son, 
who was hospitalized for three days, did not recognize her until the 
afternoon after his run-in with police.


Anti-Soldier Vote:

Senate Republicans Defeat Military Exemption to Bankruptcy : U.S. Senate 
Republicans blocked an effort by Democrats to shield military personnel 
from changes to bankruptcy law that would force more debtors to repay their 


Aristide's Lavalas puts UN duplicity to the test in Haiti :

Evidence continues to mount of the United Nation's complicity in an 
on-going campaign by the US-installed government of Gerard Latortue to 
terrorize and exterminate sympathizers of President Jean-Bertrand 
Aristide's political party


Buffett deepens dollar worries:

Warren Buffett has warned that the US trade deficit risks creating a 
“sharecropper’s society” as his letter to shareholders sounded an 
increasingly bearish tone about the value of the dollar.


Warren Buffett's Letter To the Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.:

PDF Format


"Do You Agree That a Coporation is a Person?":

"Does anybody have trouble with the belief that a corporation is a person?" 
What are we? A nation of sheep?


Do not forget 'Bloody Sunday' :

"The freedom we won here in Selma and on the road to Montgomery was 
purchased with the precious blood of many,"


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