Yg penting harga setanding quality... Jual mahal2 tapi quality amat menduka-citakan mana stok tu tak menimbun kat gudang... Bukan nak promote kereta made in Japan tapi mari kita lihat janji mereka terhadap pelanggan (pls read below msg) .... yg mereka telah kotakan... sebab tu boleh bertahan lama dlm pasaran (dlm & luar negara)... Tgk sajelah Daihatsu.. dah dekat 100 thn pon bertahan di pasaran...
Yg penting quality! Kalau nak untung cepat mmg itulah padahnya... Kalau quality bagus, nak letak harga berapa pon org akan beli (cthnya Merz).. Kepercayaan pengguna tu penting... Jangan appearance saje yg gah... dlm hancus... mana tak pengguna rasa tertipu... Pastu letak duty tinggi2 pada kereta import, kononnya nak selamatkan kereta buatan negara... tak dpt untung dari hasil buatan sendiri, dapatlah untung hasil dari duty import yg cekik darah tu... nak tak nak, rakyat yg tak mampu pon terpaksalah beli juga 'besi kokak' tu.. mana tak risiko nyawa melayang semasa kemalangan tu tak menurun2... Tapi alasan yg diberi sbb pemandu cuai... mmg la manusia ni mudah cuai, tapi kalau buat kereta sehabis baik, at least dpt kurangkan angka kematian berbanding angka kemalangan di atas jalan raye...
<<Sekadar pendapat>>
Toyota(since 1926)'s Basic Philosophy:
# Respect for the Law : Toyota Industries is determined to comply with the letter and spirit of the law, in Japan and overseas, and to be fair and transparent in all its dealings.
#Respect for Others:Toyota Industries is respectful of the people, culture, and tradition of each region and country in which it operates. It also works to promote economic growth and prosperity in those countries.
#Respect for the Natural Environment:Through its corporate activities, Toyota Industries works to contribute to regional living conditions and social prosperity and, as well, strives to offer products and services that are clean, safe, and of high quality.
#Respect for Customers:Toyota Industries conducts intensive product research and forward-looking development activities to create new value for its customers.
#Respect for Employees:Toyota Industries nurtures the inventiveness and other abilities of its employees. It seeks to create a climate of cooperation, so that employees and the Company can realize their full potential.
Source: http://www.toyota-shokki.co.jp/index_f.html
Honda(since 1948)'s  Basic Philosophy
#Respect for man's life and dignity:
Three pleasure(bought pleasure, sold pleasure, and created pleasure)
#Business creed:We stand in the earth view, and do our best for customer's satisfactory all over the world to supply the high-quality commodity
by a proper price.
#Operating policy:
*Always have the dream and youth.
*Esteem the theory, the idea, and time.
*Love working and value communications.
*Make up the flow of work in harmony.
*Not forget the ceaseless research and effort.
Daihatsu(since1907)'s Basic Philosophy
#Towards safer and more reliable automobiles:
Daihatsu is involved in research into several next-generation technologies for a safer, more rewarding driving experience. These include ITS (intelligent transport system), a traffic safety system of the future that will feature intelligent vehicles and utilize electronics technology, ASV (advanced safety vehicle), featuring a Rear Crash Avoidance System with functions for measuring and signaling the distance between cars, plus automatic braking, and DVS (Daihatsu vehicle stability control system) for side-slip control.
#Pursuing ecologically-sound development:
Environmental problems today need to be addressed on a global scale. Based on our slogan "We make it COMPACT," our corporate activities are contributing to the creation of a socio-economic system that functions in symbiosis with the environment. Daihatsu adopts an all-encompassing approach to automobile manufacture, from development, manufacturing and sales to the appropriate disposal of end-of-life vehicles.
#Product development
From the outset, Daihatsu pursues the goal of being the No.1 power unit in terms of ecology and economy, with a low-fuel consumption, low-emission engine based on revolutionary technology and incremental improvements. We are also developing next-generation clean energy sources as well as conducting research into traffic conditions.

Source: http://www.daihatsu.com/

Kerugian RM159j Proton memeranjatkan ketika pasaran kereta meningkat
Wednesday, November 30 @ 14:18:56 MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, 30 Nov (Hrkh) - Kerugian Proton Holding Bhd sebanyak RM158.8 juta pada suku tahun kedua yang berakhir 30 September lalu amat memeranjatkan, kata pakar ekonomi, Dr Rosli Yaakob.

Ini kerana katanya, syarikat milik kerajaan itu mengalami kerugian dalam keadaan pasaran automobil meningkat dengan pesat di dunia. “Ini menunjukkan bahawa Proton mengalami kehilangan pasaran dan ini juga menunjukkan pasaran kereta import dan kenderaan luar yang dipasang di Malaysia makin meningkat, sekali gus menunjukkan Proton sudah hilang daya saing,” katanya semasa dihubungi Harakahdaily hari ini.
Pengerusi Proton Dato’ Azlan Hashim hari ini dipetik berkata, kerugian tersebut disebabkan oleh peningkatan harga komponen, pengurangan margin dan keperluan untuk peruntukan besar berjumlah RM160.7 juta.
Mengulas lanjut, Dr Rosli berkata, perkembangan itu menunjukkan kos pengeluaran Proton semakin meningkat.
“Ia bukti kegagalan Proton untuk menembusi pasaran antarabangsa dan untuk sekian lama hanya mengharap kepada pasaran dalam negara,” dakwanya.
Menurutnya, apabila pasaran dalam negeri dibuka ataupun diliberisasikan maka Proton tidak dapat bertahan.
“Maka cara untuk Proton memulih prestasinya ialah tidak ada pilihan lain iaitu perlu menembusi pasaran antara bangsa.
“Selain itu mungkin kelemahan pengurusan Proton menyebabkan kerugian,” dakwanya lagi.
Stok kereta yang tidak terjual juga dakwanya semakin banyak dan ini menyebabkan Proton terpaksa menanggung kos penambahan kereta yang tidak terjual.
Justeru itu, beliau tidak menolak bahawa pandangan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bahawa liberalisasi pasaran automobil Malaysia terjejas, adalah benar. - lanh

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