Jabu has a new name for Anwar-Tony Thien-

First he was a “political tourist” and now he is a “political reject”. Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu has expanded his list of names for former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim.

Speaking in the state legislative assembly yesterday, he was clearly in retaliatory mode over Anwar’s recent criticism of the state government during several recent gatherings.

He did not respond directly to Anwar’s jibe that he was a cicak (house lizard) after the first round of name calling, when Jabu had described Anwar as a “political tourist going on a longhouse picnic”.

Instead, Jabu (right) described Anwar as someone who had been dumped by Umno and expelled by the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN).

Anwar, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor, was the featured speaker at a gathering last month at an Iban longhouse in Pantu, Sri Aman, while Dayak opposition leaders had attended other similar meetings.

Jabu, who is Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president (Dayak wing), also said Dayaks must concentrate on Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s “politics of development”and not entertain “political has-beens ”.

This was also a reference to former president of the defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Daniel Tajem, State Reform Party (Star) leader Dr Patau Rubis, former parliamentary secretary Patrick Anek Uren , Snap president Edwin Dundang and his deputy Justine Jinggut.

‘Personal agenda’

A reliable source told malaysiakini that Jabu's latest comments followed a new directive by Taib, the PBB and state BN chief, that “the BN must go all out to make sure that opposition candidates lose their deposit in the next state elections, whatever the cost”.

Anwar, Dayak leaders of Snap and Star and the pro-tem Malaysian Dayak Congress have frequently spoken about corruption and abuse of power in Sarawak.

Patau said Jabu has avoided issues the opposition has raised and could only resort to name calling, which indicates that he has nothing left except a personal agenda.

In reality, he said the so-called ‘politics of development’ are “politics of exploitation” for the personal benefit of state BN leaders.

“He has no answer to the growing frustrations and growing anger of the people of Sarawak,”' Patau said, adding that this is not only a problem for the Dayaks but also Malays and Chinese.

TONY THIEN is malaysiakini’s Sarawak-based stringer.
Jabu dakwa Anwar ‘politikus yang sudah lupus’ -Tony Thien-

Terjemahan Timbalan Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Datuk Alfred Jabu menyifatkan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang melawat negeri itu baru-baru ini, sebagai ‘ahli politik yang sudah lupus’ selepas tersingkir daripada Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN).

Jabu bagaimanapun tidak menjawab secara langsung sindiran Anwar yang menyifatkannya sebagai ‘seekar cicak’ selepas beliau memanggil penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) itu “pelancong politik yang datang untuk berkelah di rumah panjang”.

Beliau menegaskan demikian ketika berucap di Sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri kelmarin sebagai menjawab kritikan Anwar terhadap kerajaan negeri Sarawak ketika berucap di perhimpunan di rumah panjang kaum Iban di Pantu, Sri Aman.

Jabu (foto), yang juga Timbalan Presiden Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) berkata kaum Dayak mesti menumpukan perhatian kepada ‘politik pembangunan’ yang dibawa oleh Ketua Menteri Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud dan bukannya melayan “orang politik yang sudah lupus”.

Ia juga merujuk kepada bekas presiden Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) yang sudah dibubarkan – Daniel Tajem, pemimin Parti Pembaharuan Negeri(Star) Dr Patau Rubis, bekas Setiausaha Parlimen Patrick Anek Uren , Presiden Snap Edwin Dundang dan Timbalannya Justine Jinggut.

‘Agenda peribadi’
Satu sumber yang layak dipercayai memberitahu malaysiakini bahawa komen terbaru Jabu itu dibuat ekoran arahan baru dari Taib – Presiden PBB dan Pengerusi BN negeri – bahawa BN mesti habis-habisan memastikan calon-calon pembangkang hilang wang pertaruhan dalam pilihanraya negeri nanti.

Anwar, para pemimpin Dayak dalam Snap dan Star serta jawatankuasa penaja Kongres Dayak Sarawak sentiasa membangkitkan dakwaan rasuah dan penyalahgunaan kuasa di Sarawak.

Patau berkata, Jabu mengelak menyentuh isu-isu yang dibangkitkan pembangkang dan terpaksa bertindak memberi gelaran, yang jelas menunjukkan “dia tidak mempunyai apa-apa lagi kecuali agenda peribadi”.

Beliau mendakwa, ‘politik pembangunan’ dan ‘politik eksploitasi’ telah memberi keuntungan peribadi kepada para pemimpin BN negeri.

“Dia tidak mempunyai jawapan terhadap rasa kekecewaan yang semakin meningkatkan di kalangan rakyat Sarawak,” kata Patau, sambil menambah ia bukan sahaja menjadi masalah kepada kaum Dayak tetapi juga dihadapi kaum Melayu dan Cina. Berita asal

TONY THIEN adalah wartawan sambilan malaysiakini di Sarawak.
Anwar spurs S’wak voters to boot out Taib-Tony Thien-
Former deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim has kicked off the opposition campaign in Dayak areas by asking voters to end the 24-year rule of Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud in the upcoming state election.

“It's time for change... enough of corruption and abuse of power,” he told a gathering of about 1,500 Ibans, mainly members of Sarawak National Party (Snap) and the defunct Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS), at Aping Dadak Longhouse, 120km from Kuching.

Anwar, who is Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) advisor, was accompanied by party deputy president Dr Syed Husin Ali, secretary-general Kamarul Ariffin and state liaison chief Wan Zainal Abidin.

He pointed out the existence of a “credible alternative” to the Barisan Nasional, saying that its members have experience in government.

Anwar's 45-minute speech yesterday was punctuated with occasional jibes at Taib. It received loud applause from the crowd which filled the 22-door longhouse.

Among those present were former deputy chief minister and former PBDS president Daniel Tajem; Snap president Edwin Dundang, his deputy Justine Jinggut and secretary-general Stanley Jugol; Malaysian Dayak Congress(MDC) pro-tem president Nicholas Bawin, who is also Sarawak Dayak National Union (SNDU) president; and longhouse chief Christopher Ambu.

Anwar also responded to Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu's recent criticism of him as “a political tourist attending a longhouse picnic”.

He said he knew Jabu and described him as a cicak (a house lizard with a long body that is always hiding behind something) and himself as a naga (a dragon and a mythical monster usually represented as a winged, fire-breathing repltile).

Anwar, typical of his political persona, implied that as such Jabu might have to be careful which the crowd clearly saw as a warning to the Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president not to cross path with him.
‘Legal genocide’

Anwar also spoke about a recent World Bank meeting that he attended. He said he saw a disturbing report on Malaysia's poverty index which revealed that most of the 1 million hardcore poor comprised Sarawak’s Dayaks and Sabah native peoples.

“Sarawak is rich, the leaders are rich but the rakyat is poor,” he said, adding at a press conference later in Kuching that this was why he had called for a change of state government.

Tajem meanwhile said the state government is carrying out a “legal genocide” by using the law to take away native customary rights (NCR) land and to abolish the word ‘Dayak’ as a subtle means of annihilating the community.

Aping Dadak is one of several longhouses in the Pantu area in Sri Aman Division that has been affected by oil palm plantation activities.

Jacob Emang, a retired senior education officer and longhouse reception organising chairperson, said all such plantation companies should be asked to leave until NCR land issues are resolved.

Anwar also met state PKR and Snap leaders to discuss strategy, including seat allocation, for the elections. He told reporters that he would also meet state DAP and PAS leaders to find common ground for a single agenda.

He addressed Chinese and Malay groups separately yesterday evening.
Sarawak leader rapped for ridiculing Anwar’s visit-Tony Thien-
Sarawak DAP chairperson Wong Ho Leng has taken state Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu to task over his comments regarding the upcoming visit by ex-deputy premier Anwar Ibrahim.
He said before Jabu, who is also Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president, brands visiting opposition leaders as ‘political tourists attending a longhouse picnic’, he should have considered the ‘political tourists from the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN)’ coalition from the peninsular.

“When Anwar comes, he is going to spend one or two days in Sarawak unlike some federal BN leaders who touch down at the airport, go into the VIP room, hold a press conference and leave again,” he added.

Wong said he was not defending Anwar but if a senior state minister like Jabu can describe him as a political tourist, then the latter is a clown.

Anwar, who is also the advisor for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), is visiting the state to rally the opposition ahead of the state election.

Upon arrival, he is expected to have a huge gathering at an Iban longhouse in Pantu, Sri Aman division.

On Jabu’s comment that although the Ibans will give Anwar and his entourage a grand welcome, they will still vote for the BN, Wong said: “This would not happen if the elections is fair and clean. It’s all due to money politics”.

Huge crowd expected

Meanwhile, the Aping Dadak longhouse reception committee chairperson Jacob Emang told malaysiakini that he expected a huge crowd to attend the gathering.
“We have people coming forward to donate canvases just in case it rains,” he added.

Apart from Anwar, others expected to speak at the gathering are former Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) president Daniel Tajem, Sarawak National Party (Snap) president Edwin Dundang and village headman Christopher Ambu.

In a related development, Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Youth chief and Bukit Begunan state assemblyperson Mong Dagang was quoted in the Sarawak Tribune today as saying that opposition parties should keep away from the Dayak majority areas in Sri Aman.

He said the opposition should not take advantage of Dayak voters and try to get them involved in what he described as ‘unproductive politics’.

Mong's original state constituency has been dissected to create a new state constituency Balai Ringin which includes those areas such as Pantu.

Due to numerous problems on the ground and complaints against the incumbent, the opposition claim they stand a good chance of winning the Balai Ringin seat as well as Bukit Begunan.
Anwar’s visit sets cat among pigeons in S’wak-Tony Thien-
A senior state Barisan Nasional (BN) leader has warned national opposition leaders against creating problems among the Dayaks in Sarawak.

Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu, who is also Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy president, was quoted in local newspapers today as referring to the visit of former deputy premier and Parti Keadilan Rakyat advisor Anwar Ibrahim next Monday.

He is scheduled to attend a longhouse gathering in Aping, Pantu, Sri Aman Division, which Jabu called “a longhouse picnic”.

Several state Dayak opposition leaders including former Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak president Daniel Tajem, Sarawak National Party president Edwin Dundang and yet-to-be-registered Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC) pro tem chairperson Nicholas Bawin are to attend.

Jabu further described the opposition politicians, including Anwar, as “political tourists” and added with sarcasm that Sarawak welcomes them because it wants to promote domestic tourism.

Organising committee chairperson Jacob Emang told malaysiakini today the tuai rumah (village chief) Christopher Ambu had given written consent for the gathering to be held in the longhouse.

Christopher is said to understand the nature of the gathering, contrary to what has been claimed by certain pro-government politicians.

The Aping area in Pantu has been at the centre of a struggle between residents in several Iban longhouses trying to keep plantation and logging companies from encroaching into their native customary rights (NCR) land.

Their action, although appreciated by many government supporters, has greatly embarrassed them as it is against the chief minister's concept of development which is to encourage NCR land to be developed as joint ventures with government agencies like the Land Custody and Development Authority.

This is done through subsidiary companies which form joint ventures with local and peninsula-based plantation companies.

BN leaders disturbed

Many longhouses have turned down such proposals and are developing their own mini estates on NCR land.

Residents from many longhouses have also turned to non-governmental organisations for help to highlight their problems.

The gathering with Anwar is to discuss several issues, especially attempts to take away their native customary rights, recognised by law, to the land that they and their forefathers have tilled.

A prospective BN candidate Snowdon Lawan, son of Iban businessman Donald Lawan, issued a statement condemning the opposition for needlessly raising expectations among the Dayaks while not being able to offer any practical alternative to the land issue.

“Do not play around with the livelihood and future of our rural people,” said Snowdon who aspires to stand as a BN candidate in the Dayak-majority constituency Balai Ringin which includes Pantu longhouses.

He appealed to Christopher and his people not to allow the longhouse to be turned into “a hive of opposition activities”.

Jabu was quoted in the Sarawak Tribune as asking the Ibans “to turn their back on Anwar”.

Parti Rakyat Sarawak leader Dr James Masing said Anwar's presence would not be a threat to the BN, and that Dayak-majority seats would be safe seats in the upcoming state elections.

It is learnt that the surprising harsh comments by several state BN Dayak leaders could be an indication of their concern that a concerted opposition campaign is clearly underway in the Dayak countryside. They feel that issues like NCR land could erode support for the BN.

Tajem, who has been making regular visits in recent months in the company of MDC leaders, is likely to stand in Balai Ringin, which was carved partly out of the Bukit Begunan state constituency.

TONY THIEN is malaysiakini’s Sarawak-based stringer.

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