In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The Confession of George W. Bush

Serial Killer Confesses to 30,000 Murders; Receives Applause


Pastors and priests are facing ever more empty pews in 2006 - Mosques, on the otherhand, are filled to capacity every week

Pastors and priests are facing ever more empty pews in 2006. Many churches failing to meet spiritual needs . Members prefer experience of God to dogmas, creeds

Hundreds of thousands of people from around the world crowded into St. Peter's Square in Rome last April to greet the election of a new pope.


A Ten-Step Program

Is Bush in a bubble? Is Bush a dry drunk? Is Bush a drunk drunk? Is Bush a narcissist? Is Bush an idiot? Is Bush a madman? Does Bush have an ?Authority Problem?? Theories abound about why Bush does the things he does, but most of them assume that he is making mistakes that he could or would correct if he understood how misguided he was.

Let?s take a look at the ?mistakes? the Bush administration is said to have made, and, instead, ask ourselves if they are actually realized intentions


Identity Theft of America

Only five years ago, the US had a clear identity. Only five years ago the US had a definable nature and a credible reputation. Only five years ago we knew pretty much who we were as Americans. But that time, that safe and comfortable time is no more.


An Incredible Day in America

The media has been totally misled on the alleged Bush-McCain agreement on torture.

Today, for two separate reasons, has been an incredible day in America. First, the United States has legitimized torture and secondly, the President has admitted to an impeachable offense.


The War In Numbers: From WMD To The Victims

67 per cent Iraqis who feel less secure because of occupation: $343 Average monthly salary for an Iraqi soldier. Average monthly salary for an American soldier in Iraq: $4, 160.75


John Dean: Shocking The Conscience Of America:

Bush And Cheney Call For The Right To Torture And Are Decisively and Correctly Rebuffed by the House


9/11 Distinguished University of Minnesota Philosophy Professor Joins 9/11 Fight, Saying the Truth Must Be Uncovered

?I stand with Steve Jones, professor of physics at BYU and David Ray Griffin, professor emeritus of Theology at Claremont and other students and scholars of 9/11, who believe that extraordinary times require extraordinary measures,? said James H. Fetzer, PhD., a distinguished McNight University professor at the University of Minnesota at Duluth.


The 9/11 Reichstag Fire

Bush jokes about being a dictator. Here is how he got there.


Hollywood starts confronting 9/11

... the official version, at any rate.

Some questions they won't confront:
The 9/11 WTC Collapses
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11
The 9/11 USAF Stand Down
The Secret Service at Booker Elementary: The Dog That Did Not Bark


Torture and Empire: An Interview with Lila Rajiva

There were actually reports on torture right from the start, right after 9-11. But it didn't become a mainstream "story" until three years later, after the CBS report in late April 2004.


The interrogation camp that turned prisoners into living skeletons

Last week, Foreign Office files which have remained closed for almost 60 years were opened after a request by the Guardian under the Freedom of Information Act. These papers, and others declassified earlier, lay bare the appalling suffering of many of the 372 men and 44 women who passed through the centre during the 22 months it operated before its closure in July 1947.


Fun Bits About American Torture

In many ways, the U.S. is now just as inhumane and brutal as any Third World regime. Oh well?

Oh my God, yes, yes we do torture, America that is, and we do it a lot, and we do it in ways that would make you sick to hear about, and we're doing it right now, all over the world, the CIA and the U.S. military, perhaps more often and more brutally than at any time in recent history and we use the exact same kind of techniques and excuses for it our numb-minded president cited as reasons we should declare war and oust the dictator of a defenseless pip-squeak nation that happened to be sitting on our oil.


America's Own Chronicle of Its Hellish Descent

Iraq, Ourselves

"Iraq, Ourselves" traces the descent of American values into various circles of hell. The lust and gluttony for power, the greed for cheap and easy profit from Iraq's ruins, the wrath of our terrified military, of our mercenary "private security" goons, and now of Iraq's government-backed death squads and their hunt for heretics: All of it combines into a three-ring circus of violence with the Tigris for a River Styx and the Potomac for a Rubicon. Our imperial president crossed that one three years ago, with fraud on his lips and hubris in his plastic laurels.


Kidnap and Torture American Style

Kidnap and Torture American Style follows the stories of terror suspects. Some of them are British residents, who have been snatched from streets and airports throughout the world before being flown to the Middle-East and Africa. In countries such as Syria and Egypt, they undergo agonising ordeals before being incarcerated, without ever facing an open trial.

Watch it here.


McCain-Bush "anti-torture" measure gives legal cover for continued abuse

See also:

Document proves European Union agreed to CIA rendition flights


The case of Khalid al-Masri
German government complicit in the criminal activities of the CIA


The Terrorists Don't Need to Destroy Democracy. Bush is Doing Their Work for Them.

Bush's war on terrorism is an utter failure.

In every respect, terrorism is growing, including in Iraq. And Bush is giving them the tools to commit another series of hijackings by letting them carry box cutters and knives on planes again.


Falluja - One Year On

Doctors For Iraq Call For An Independent Investigation Into Human Rights Abuses


Does 30,000 Mean Anything to Bush?

On Monday, for the first time, Bush acknowledged that his Iraq War has taken a large toll on the Iraqi people. But he fobbed it off as if it were nothing.

Taking questions after his speech at the Philadelphia World Affairs Council, Bush was asked right out of the chute how many Iraqis have died.


Bush Asserts U.S. Is Winning Iraq War

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush asserted Sunday night the United States is winning the war in Iraq and issued a plea to Americans divided by doubt: "Do not give in to despair and do not give up on this fight for freedom.'',1280,-5489057,00.html


In case you missed it:

Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war :

Secret document details American plan to bug phones and emails of key Security Council members


So, just who is Christian Bailey? :

A 30-year-old Oxford graduate with no public relations experience has been handed a $100m contract by the Pentagon - to plant false stories in Iraqi papers.


FLASHBACK: Truth and Consequences

For six hours that Saturday, the men and women of the Bush administration argued about what Secretary of State Colin Powell should--and should not--say at the United Nations Security Council four days later. Not all the secret intelligence about Saddam Hussein's misdeeds, they found, stood up to close scrutiny. At one point during the rehearsal, Powell tossed several pages in the air. "I'm not reading this," he declared. "This is bulls- - -."

General Powell, your pants are on fire.


White House never told of pre-Iraq war intelligence doubts - Powell

The US administration was never told of doubts about the secret intelligence used to justify war with Iraq, former secretary of state Colin Powell told the BBC in an interview to be broadcast today.

If the WH was not told of the doubts, then why did they take extreme steps to prevent the media from talking to Joe Wilson, including the outing of his wife Valerie Plame as a CIA agent.

And beyond that, this claim that the White House "was not told" paints a picture of a White House peopled with total idiots who despite their vast resources could not see the obvious problems with the claims about Iraqi WMDs that were obvious to bloggers working on spare change found under the seat cushions.


VP Cheney Makes Surprise Visit to Iraq

Posted Dec 18, 2005 07:17 AM PST - Category: IRAQ


Sources: Military OK'd planted news:

U.S. military officials in Iraq were fully aware that a Pentagon contractor regularly paid Iraqi newspapers to publish positive stories about the war, and made it clear that none of the stories should be traced to the United States


Iraqi Resistance Report Friday, 16 December 2005.
- Iraqi Resistance fighters bring down US helicopter near ar-Rutbah in western Iraq.
- Resistance land mine reportedly kills US soldier north of Abu Ghurayb.
- Four US troops reported killed in car bomb attack in the northwestern Iraqi city of al-Ba?aj.
- US, Iraqi puppet troops encircle Sunni mosque in Tall ?Afar to identify and arrest people speaking out against occupation.
- Resistance bomb reportedly kills two British troops in al-Basrah.
- Resistance ambushes Iraqi puppet army patrol, destroying puppet army tank, Resistance bombards US military headquarters in ar-Ramadi
- Bodies of four puppet ?Shock Troops? found in Baghdad?s al-Kazimiyah early Friday
- Resistance forces attack Iraqi puppet army patrol south of Tikrit
- US, Iraqi puppet troops encircle Sunni mosque in Tall ?Afar to identify and arrest people speaking out against occupation


US marine killed in Iraq :

A US marine serving at a forward unit near Fallujah, west of Baghdad, has been killed, the U.S. military announced late Saturday.


Soldier with NJ ties killed in Iraq

"He didn't go there because he wanted to go," James Kelly said. "He went there because he had to go. If these kids had jobs and opportunity, they wouldn't even enlist.",0,6596294.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey


This Call May Be Monitored ...

Mr. Bush secretly decided that he was going to allow the agency to spy on American citizens without obtaining a warrant - just as he had earlier decided to scrap the Geneva Conventions, American law and Army regulations when it came to handling prisoners in the war on terror.


US Spy Agency Starts Eavesdropping Between US, Afghanistan after 9/11 :

The US National Security Agency (NSA) first began to conduct warrantless eavesdropping on telephone calls and e-mail messages between the United States and Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, The New York Times reported Sunday.[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts

Months after the Sept. 11 attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials.


Domestic spying OK'd by president:

President Bush signed a secret order in 2002 authorizing the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens and foreign nationals in the United States, despite previous legal prohibitions against such domestic spying, sources with knowledge of the program said Thursday night.


Bush says he signed NSA wiretap order

After The New York Times reported, and CNN confirmed, a claim that Bush gave the National Security Agency license to eavesdrop on Americans communicating with people overseas, the president said that his actions were permissible, but that leaking the revelation to the media was illegal.

A couple years back, I suggested people assume their communications were being intercepted by the government, indignant denials to the contrary.
Well, it's for certain now. The US Government can and does read your email, possibly your paper mail, and listen to your phone and FAX whenever they want. Given numerous scandals such as the Seattle APEC, the spooks probably see it as a fringe benefit ripping off your business secrets to engage in a little insider trading, or worse, outright theft of your business secrets to give to cronies. It's not a fantasy, it has and does happen all the time.


New York Times admits it held domestic spying story for a full year :

The Times also reveals that senior members of Congress from both parties knew about Bush's decision to spy on Americans who were making international calls or emails, without warrants.


Bush Silent On Spy Allegations:

President Bush refused to say whether the National Security Agency eavesdropped without warrants on people inside the United States but leaders of Congress condemned the practice on Friday and promised to look into what the administration has done.


NSA uses ECHELON against US citizens

Who would have believed that twitchy paranoiacs are actually onto something? Incredibly, they are: the New York Times has revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying on American citizens.

WE were no being paranoid. See HERE


Bill Moyers: In The Kingdom Of The Half-Blind:

They couldn't get away with all of this if the press was at the top of their game. Never has the need for an independent media been greater. People are frightened, their skepticism of power, their respect for checks and balances?eclipsed by their desire for security.


Judith Miller, Interrogator: " N.Y. Times Reporter Named in Court Filing:

Bridgeview Man Interrogated In Israel Says Miller Watched."


Neo-Nazi link in race riots in Australia

AUSTRALIA'S intelligence services are investigating the role of neo-Nazi groups in Sydney's race riots.

The probe comes as a fresh batch of SMS messages emerged urging Melbourne youths to gather to "bash wogs".
And police in Sydney warned of further violence today after learning troublemakers had travelled from other states.,5478,17599490%255E662,00.html


Muslim conference frustrated by airport security

Long Beach, Calif. ? Muslim leaders who gathered Saturday to discuss their role in combatting extremism within the Islamic community complained that two scheduled speakers missed the event after being detained at Los Angeles International Airport.


Hillary's New Haters

Conventional wisdom has it that Hillary Clinton enjoys a solid lock on her liberal base, and here in New York her star power often translates into a free pass. But a surprising number of the state's progressives have become disaffected with their senator these days. Frustrated with the hard-right climate on Capitol Hill, people are upset with what they regard as Clinton's cautious, middle-of-the-road style. They don't like her restraint on such big lefty issues as civil liberties and abortion rights. And they certainly don't like her position on the war?indeed, angry activists have taken to hounding her whenever they can. To wit: the dozens of Code Pinkers protesting last week outside Crobar, in Chelsea, where her husband Bill headlined a fundraiser for her 2006 re-election bid.,lombardi,70931,6.html


Who is Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon?

Ariel Sharon:
born Ariel Scheinermann on February 27, 1928 and often known as Arik) is the eleventh and current Prime Minister of Israel, serving from March 2001. A long-serving Israeli political and military leader, he was a founding member and former head of the Likud party, and previously served for over thirty years in the Israeli Defense Forces, rising to the rank of Major General, and achieving fame within Israel for his actions in the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In 2005, he broke from Likud and founded a new party, Kadima, which is currently garnering support through public campaigns in anticipation of the upcoming Knesset vote in March. It is the first time in recent Israeli history that the Knesset race is between three major parties (Kadima, Likud, and Labor) as opposed to the usual two (Likud and Labor).

Read more here:


-muslim voice-


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