From: MZH
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:43 PM
Subject: Tanah airku tumpah darahku... or daraku?


Malaysiakini has done a good job in providing fair opportunity for people to
voice up their concerns (well, 30% censorship/paraphrase by Malaysiakini is
good enough, unlike NST which censored 95% of my comment last Monday).
However, I do expect a lot of negative responses from secularists and
'liberal' Muslims in a few more days, and as part of our responsibility to
give the correct impression of Islam to the public, it is imperative for
those who hold the correct perspective of Islam to voice it out. 5-10
minutes of short essay to malaysiakini will do it: in numbers, we can truly
make a change.


Protect the decent from the indecent

I wish to refer to your report Decency laws: Who is offended? 

Muslims are told by the Quran (‘Tell the believers to lower their gaze’ 24:30) and the Hadith to avoid from making glances that will induce sexual attraction. However, in the so-called carefree society, the average gaze-lowering Muslim in KL will definitely suffer chronic neck pain due to abnormal sexually-charged scenes indiscriminately being displayed in the public domain, be it along the highway, inside LRT coaches or within the leisure area of a public park.

Is my right as a Muslim to observe my own belief in a public domain overridden by certain quarters with the so-called inborn right to expose whatever kind of appearance and behavior to others under the pretext of liberty?

It is not a matter of making a ‘holier than thou’ judgment, but a matter of guarding the interest of those who choose to not to be subjected to sexually provocative behaviour and appearances. How long do public transport commuters have to bear with the selfish behaviour of couples sensually caressing each other?

I am not suggesting any compulsion for a particular standard of behavioural ethics en masse, but I merely suggest policymakers come up with an enforceable guideline that will serve the interest of the majority of the people, including those who take Quranic prescription seriously. During a train ride recently, I was embarrassed when a soft-spoken middle-aged non-Muslim told a young Muslim female to spruce up her appearance since her super-tight jeans and T-shirt did not do justice to the headscarf she was wearing.

It is the right of the public to counsel those who cross the accepted decency line (and the right to have the offender accountable in case of the offender exhibits belligerent behaviour upon counsel). That should be the main objective of any decency law. Don’t worry over a 2020 'Islamic state' scene of Malaysian women wearing dark, black burqas, watched by the stern eyes of heavily bearded morality guards with long whips in their hands which what the Bar Council and others fear the imposition of decency laws will spiral into.

Muslims are just asking for an enforcement of decency laws for public displays of affection that go terribly against the norm of the majority such as frotting, passionate hugging and french kissing. One does not have to own a PhD in non-verbal communication to differentiate intimate sexual affections from platonic touches such as a kiss on the cheek, motherly hug or brotherly embrace. It is most unfortunate that the human rights language has been notoriously abused by a few individuals and groups who are pushing for Malaysian Muslims to jettison their convictions and adopt the western religion of secularism.

Public show of private affection is only okay if it is done in a platonic manner, and in no way shall a member of the public flouts one's sex appeal through suggestive clothing that reveals every curve of their body. If one wish to have a hot, sizzling and passionate kiss with the important other, one should do it privately.

If one wishes to reveal a certain part of their breast and buttocks to bystanders, one should ask for consent first. The seriousness of indiscriminate sexual afflictions makes it imperative for the majority of the practicing Muslims to have a say on how they should be protected while automatically safeguarding the interests of non-Muslims who stick to eastern moral values.

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Islam: Back up arguments with empirical evidence
04:20pm Thu Apr 06, 2006
Separation of state, religion not un-Islamic
08:38pm Tue Apr 04, 2006
Leave Islam to Muslims, yes, but ...
02:43pm Mon Apr 03, 2006
M’sia an exception to 'uniformity'



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Recommended sites:
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  :
Jamaah Islah Malaysia          :
Radio Islam Kuliyyah           :
Palestinkini Info              :
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      :
Fiqh Siber                     :
The Muslim Brotherhood         :


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