In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

====== News Update ======

Differential calculus of grief: The western media again gives the impression that Arab blood is less precious than that of others.

Ten years ago today, on Thursday April 18 1996, I broke the news of a massacre in Kanaa to a shocked House of Commons thus:
Has the deputy prime minister had time to see the devastating pictures of the shattered United Nations peacekeepers' base in the south of Lebanon? In the past few hours, more than 50 Fijian soldiers, Lebanese and Palestinian refugees - men, women and children - have been slaughtered by the Israeli invasion force. Does the right honourable gentleman know that this morning, some hours earlier, a mother, her four-day-old child and her six other children were killed by an Israeli air raid on her home in south Lebanon? Does he agree that the flames now burning in Lebanon run the risk of burning to ash all the hopes of the peace process in the Middle East? Will the British government support an emergency meeting of the security council to try to bring the cycle of devastating violence to an end?


CONDOLEEZZA RICE: Attacking Iran has become "self defense" & doesn't need Security Council Resolution

CONDOLEEZZA RICE: Opening Remarks and Q&A Session at Chicago Council on Foreign Relations

"SECRETARY RICE: Well, I think that it's difficult to state a principle in the abstract. Obviously, the President keeps open his options and we have always said that the right of self-defense does not necessarily require a UN Security Council resolution. I would note that, for instance, we went to war in the Balkans without a -- war action without a Security Council resolution. We did in the case of Iraq, of course, have multiple resolutions that constituted Iraq as a peace to -- a threat to international peace and security and a final resolution, Resolution 1441, from the 2002 that said that there would be serious consequences if Iraq did not go forward."

full statement:"">

Pentagon Guantanamo List Angers Nations

A chorus of complaints against the Bush administration erupted Thursday after the Pentagon released a previously secret list of the names and nationalities of 558 people held at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay.,,-5769345,00.html


The Real First Casualty of War

During the 1970s, I filmed secretly in Czechoslovakia, then a Stalinist dictatorship. The dissident novelist Zdenek Urbánek told me, "In one respect, we are more fortunate than you in the west. We believe nothing of what we read in the newspapers and watch on television, nothing of the official truth. Unlike you, we have learned to read between the lines, because real truth is always subversive."


U.S. Has 100,000 Spy's

The nation's spy chief disclosed for the first time Thursday that the number of U.S. intelligence personnel worldwide totals nearly 100,000.


The CIA “Wehrmacht”

An ex-senior agency officer who keeps in contact with his former peers told me that there is a “a big swing” in anti-Bush sentiment at Langley. “I've been stunned by what I'm hearing,” he said. “There are people who fear that indictments and subpoenas could be coming down, and they don't want to get caught up in it.”


North Korea says it has "shocking evidence" of US plot

"The CIA secretly enlist(s) experts on counterfeiting notes claimed to be the 'most sophisticated in the world' and invite(s) them to issue lots of fake currencies at 'counterfeit notes printing houses of North Korean-style' operating in U.S. military bases in different parts of the world," the spokesman said.


Millions of refugees are hidden victims of the West's war on terror

Refugees fleeing persecution or civil war are becoming the hidden victims of the West's obsession with combating terrorism, the United Nations will warn in a report published today.


Most Guantanamo detainees are small fry, experts say

The names released on Thursday by the US Defence Department did not include a single senior figure from Al-Qaeda or other Islamic extremist groups, nor from Afghanistan's ousted Taliban regime, experts stressed.


Canadian claims mistreatment by U.S agents

Akhil Sachdeva, an accountant from India who emigrated to Canada, still wonders why he was seized at gunpoint by U.S. agents and held for months with hundreds of foreigners following the Sept. 11 terror attacks.


Intelligence Director's Budget May Near $1 Billion, Report Finds

The budget next year for National Intelligence Director John D. Negroponte's office and the several agencies attached to it may be near $1 billion or more, according to language buried in the report of the House intelligence committee on the fiscal 2007 intelligence authorization bill.


Rumsfeld torturing by remote and making his own home movies

"The secretary of defense had video teleconferences with civilian contractors who were conducting questioning of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Volzer added."

WASHINGTON (AP) - A military judge Tuesday allowed defense lawyers to call a general to testify at a court martial in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal, but the judge barred the defense from summoning Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, the former commander of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, would become the highest-ranking military officer to testify in the cases stemming from mistreatment of inmates at Abu Ghraib in Iraq.,,-5763993,00.html



"I have seen innocent people being killed. IEDS go off and you just zap any farmer that is close to you... hit him with the 50 [heavy machine gun] or the M-16 [rifle]. Overall there was just the total disregard - they basically jam into your head: 'This is Hajji! This is Hajji'. You totally take the human being out of it and make them into a video game... If you start looking at them as humans, and stuff like that, then how are you gonna kill them?"


Unforeseen Spending on Materiel Pumps Up Iraq War Bill

With the expected passage this spring of the largest emergency spending bill in history, annual war expenditures in Iraq will have nearly doubled since the U.S. invasion, as the military confronts the rapidly escalating cost of repairing, rebuilding and replacing equipment chewed up by three years of combat.


Rocketing US war spending under fire

A second study released on Wednesday was critical of rebuilding efforts, saying the US had failed to make the health of ordinary Iraqi and Afghan citizens a top priority.


Sex and money bought Iraq contracts

A CONTRACTOR in Iraq has pleaded guilty to providing money, sex and designer watches to US officials in exchange for more than $US8 million ($10.8 million) in reconstruction contracts.


'Justice and Equality'

The dynamic between Israel and its strategic allies, on the one hand, and the Palestinians locked in their occupied land, in refugee camps and in Israeli prisons, on
the other, is characterised by unilateral dictates from one powerful side and resistance by any means possible from the other.

The US is openly trying to humiliate and oust the Hamas-led, democratically elected Palestinian government and at the same time talking about charity, otherwise
known as "legitimate humanitarian aid".


Three Israeli artillery shells hit Gaza every minute


Doha, April 19--Israeli forces resumed at noon today the heavy artillery bombardment of Palestinian areas in north Gaza Strip.

The bombardment was focussed on al-Atatra area, west of Beit Lahya, north of Gaza with shells landing on agrarian areas.

Eyewitnesses said three artillery shells land every minute in an escalating military shelling in the northern part of the strip.


Arrest Raids Target Women, Children and collective Intimidating Acts against Nablus

NABLUS, Palestine, April 20,2006 (IPC+ Agencies) - -On 31 March 2006, the Israeli occupation army lunched military offensive dubbed "ongoing pressure" which premeditated to wage a staged attrition against 15,000 population of Nablus district.

MMN: Please overlook this article's less than perfect English.  No doubt you will understand the essence of it, and for sure you will not learn about it in mainstream information media.


Israeli Forces Storm Several West Bank Towns, Make Dozens of Arrests

JENIN, Palestine, April 18, 2006 (IPC + Agencies) - - Israeli occupation forces stormed a number of cities and towns in the West Bank and conducted a number of search and arrest campaigns, resulting in dozens of detainees.


War Crimes Caught on Tape; Still No Justice - The Massacre at Qana, 10 Years Later

News of atrocious attack on civilians in Tel Aviv is coming in as I write this article. This will be worldwide news as it should be. The Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz says Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said the attack was "a natural result of the continued Israeli crimes against our people." "Natural" as if no one ordered this attack on civilians. A repulsive excuse.Yet the steady stream of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army's low intensity warfare and siege against the Palestinians, goes by almost unnoticed [26 killed including 5 children in the last three weeks].


Israel Fires 400 Rockets on Gaza in 2 Days

Gaza Strip has been under heavy rocket attacks from Israel since Friday, said a spokesman for the Israeli military. 060416&hn=2090


Bush raises UN action against Iran

US President George W. Bush said he has discussed with Chinese President Hu Jintao the possibility of the United Nations passing a motion against Iran that could order sanctions or action going up to military action.,10117,18879879-38198,00.html


US prepared to go it alone over Iran 

US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has invoked self-defence as a potential justification for military intervention in IranÞtail_info&article=54913&lng==1


Russians withhold judgment on Iran 

Russia will decide its stance on the Iranian nuclear crisis based on a report next week by the head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, the deputy foreign minister said today.


Brazil follows Iran's nuclear path, but without the fuss 

As Iran faces international pressure over developing the raw material for nuclear weapons, Brazil is quietly preparing to open its own uranium-enrichment center, capable of producing exactly the same fuel.


Tony Judt: A Lobby, Not a Conspiracy

Does the Israel Lobby affect our foreign policy choices? Of course ­ that is one of its goals. And it has been rather successful: Israel is the largest recipient of American foreign aid and American responses to Israeli behavior have been overwhelmingly uncritical or supportive.


Israeli Spy Affair

Judge grants second hearing in AIPAC case:

In an unusual move, a US judge scheduled a second oral hearing on the request of former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobbyists to dismiss the case against them.


Israeli spy affair

FBI wants to search papers of late columnist:

The agents expressed interest in documents that would aid the government's case against two former lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC


The Worst President in History?

George W. Bush's presidency appears headed for colossal historical disgrace. Barring a cataclysmic event on the order of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, after which the public might rally around the White House once again, there seems to be little the administration can do to avoid being ranked on the lowest tier of U.S. preside... OHMYGAWDLOOKATTHETERRORISTBOMB!!!!!!!


-muslim voice-


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