Astaghfirullahalazhim.. sudah nyata apa yg dilakukan adalah haram apatah lagi hendak melaksanakna hukuman yg separuh-separuh ni.. ingatlah firman Allah dlm surah al-Ahzab ayat 32 (maaf jika silap, sila teliti semula tafsir)..Allah sudah nytakan org2 mukmin, (jika dia rasakan dirinya seorg mukmin), dia tidak boleh mengadakan mana2 pilihan lain selain hukum Tuhannya, melainkan dia seorg yg benar2 sesat..
Sedarlah wahai masyarakat Islam yg ku cintai sekelian, Islam itu indah, selamat lagi menyelamatkan. beramallah dgnnya dgn sebenar2 amalan, kembali kpd alQuran dan asSunnah.. dunia hanya sementara dan akhirat lah yg abadi..

----- Original Message ----
To: Ikhwanul Muslimun <>
Sent: Sunday, 16 April, 2006 6:32:34 PM
Subject: Re: Bismillah [hidayahnet] Indonesian town to ban public kissing lasting more than five minutes: report

We would expect more couples in Tangerang will be kissing in public soon if this law
is passed. The proposed law is infact allowing the couples to kiss lip-to-lip in public except not more than five minutes. In other word couples will not be arrested if kissing in public is done in less than five minutes. So its safe for the kissers to do it in less than five  minutes. Three or four minutes of kissng is long enough, and most of all its not wrong to kiss in public according to the proposal and no authorities can arrest the couples. 
The  law makers and ulamak in Tengerang should really study this proposal in depth on the implication of the bylaw before its being passed.

"Caring Mommy" wrote:
Bayangkan senario ini: "Kamu ditahan kerana berkucupan lebih dari 4menit 59 saat..."
Hujah yang bakal dikemukakan oleh pendakwa dan peguambela mungkin menyangkut soal jenama jam/stop watch yang digunakan, adakah ia di "calibrate" secara konsisten agar tidak berlaku kesilapan. Hukum menzahirkan aksi lucah di khalayak diketepikan. Teringat kes seorang penyanyi popular yang difitnah melalui email dan SMS. Akhirnya sitertuduh dilepaskan bukan kerana didapati tidak bersalah tetapi disebabkan mangsa bukan orang yang melaporkan fitnah. Masalah teknikal pulak yang diketengahkan.
CM - kalaulah ketaqwaan jadi "public opinion", pasti orang tak mahu buat salah sungguhpun tidak ada CCTV kerana takut pada Yang Maha Melihat, bukan pada polis atau pada manusia lain.
Indonesian town to ban public kissing lasting more than five minutes: report

uploaded 10 Apr 2006

AP Worldstream; Apr 07, 2006

Couples kissing in public for longer than five minutes could soon face arrest in one Indonesian city as part of proposed laws cracking down on behavior seen as un-Islamic, media reports said Friday.

Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation, but it does not enforce Islamic Shariah law on a national level. But in recent years, several regions have issued bylaws to regulate personal behavior in line with Islamic morality.

Tangerang on the outskirts of the capital, Jakarta, is considered a draft law that would ban couples from "constant lip-to-lip kissing for more than five minutes" in public, Koran Tempo daily paper quoted from a copy of the bill.

The law would also ban couples from touching each other in a sensual way, and opening each others clothing, it said. The paper said violators would face "arrest," but gave no details.

"Don't dramatize this, we are not oppressors," city official Ahmad Lutfi was quoted as saying when asked whether people enforcing the law would be equipped with stopwatches to time public clinches.

Officials in the city were not immediately available for comment.

Laws proposed by Islamic clerics currently being debated in parliament would also ban kissing in public, as well as erotic art and pornography. They are facing opposition from nationalist lawmakers, who form a majority in the house.

Tangerang last year introduced laws banning women from being on the street alone after dark as part of moves to stop prostitution. The regulation has been criticized by humans rights groups and women activists.

Despite moves to popularize a more conservative brand of Islam, most of Indonesia's 200 million Muslims practice a moderate form of the faith and are tolerant of other faiths and lifestyles.

In Indonesia as in many other Asian countries couples, married or not, rarely kiss on the lips in public. Women often kiss their husband on the hand when saying goodbye in front of others.

Source:  Associated Press

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