In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Toronto Star: 'Perhaps Toronto 17 Not Terrorists At All'

Suppose, just suppose, that one or more of the 17 charged yesterday with terrorism is innocent.

This is not the common assumption. I suspect most Canadians assume that Ontario was in great danger from terrorists, that police nipped this danger in the bud and that all of the 12 adults and five young people they arrested are guilty.

Please note, we send out such material as they are usually buried by the mainstream press.
Please read this blog and then read the Toronto Star article


UK Muslim org: Community being "terrorized" by Police & should stop cooperating

Respect urges Muslims to end police co-operation. Muslims in east London should withdraw co-operation with the police in the wake of last week's terror raid in which a man was shot, a Respect party activist has said. Yvonne Ridley said the community was being "terrorised" by the Metropolitan Police and should end all contact with the force.


Respect urges Muslims to end police co-operation 

Muslims in east London should withdraw co-operation with the police in the wake of last week's terror raid in which a man was shot, a Respect party activist has said.


Ottawa Citizen embraces Pipesism

The Qur’an teaches ‘fascism.’ Please don’t take my words for this conclusion. Have trust in the wisdom of Ottawa Citizen’s editorial board and believe in its June 5, 2006 editorial, which attempted to prove it so.


Quebec Muslims condemn extremism and call for fairness

Montreal June 7, 2006: Quebec Muslims are shocked and outraged by the news of the alleged terrorist plot uncovered in Ontario.  We reiterate our strong condemnation of terrorism and extremism in all its forms and expressions.  Extremism, violence, political crimes, and illegal actions have no place in our Canadian society and are equally condemned by all of us.


9/11: FBI says, "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11"

When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.”


9/11 Firefighters: Bombs and Explosions in the WTC

[Firefighter Louie] Cacchioli was called to testify privately [before the 9/11 Commission], but walked out on several members of the committee before they finished, feeling like he was being interrogated and cross-examined rather than simply allowed to tell the truth about what occurred in the north tower on 9/11. "My story was never mentioned in the final report [PDF download] and I felt like I was being put on trial in a court room," said Cacchioli. "I finally walked out. They were trying to twist my words and make the story fit only what they wanted to hear. All I wanted to do was tell the truth and when they wouldn't let me do that, I walked out. ... It was a disgrace to everyone, the victims and the family members who lost loved ones. I don't agree with the 9/11 Commission. The whole experience was terrible."


9/11 was a Mossad opperation

Why was Atta's passport miraculously found un burned at ground zero? Because the Mossad put it there. Why was it his 1999 dated passport which was reported stolen, that was found?

Why was Atta meeting with Jack Abarmoff on his casino ships? Was it really Atta or the Mossad agent hanging out with the super zionist and lobbiest/briber Abarmoff.


9/11: New U.S. rules allow force-feeding at Guantanamo

The U.S. military issued medical guidelines Tuesday for the treatment of prisoners, formally directing doctors at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere to force-feed hunger strikers whose lives are in danger and granting doctors a limited role in interrogations.


9/11: Physicians for Human Rights Condem New Rules

The guidelines released on Tuesday, which the military said formalise existing rules and policies, drew criticism from a human rights group that said the military should not interfere with detainees who use hunger strikes as a protest and should bar experts in psychology from having any role during interrogations.,00050001.htm


‘Godless’ is Gutless

You want to talk about Godless? OK, let’s go:
  • Would the Lord lie us into a war?
  • Would the Lord let thousands drown in New Orleans while chilling at a golf resort?
  • Would the Lord have removed tens of thousands of Black soldiers from the voter rolls as the Republican Party did in 2004?
  • You talk about being “Christian” — but with all your zeal to fire up electric chairs and Abrams tanks, you sound more like a Roman.


The War They Wanted, The Lies They Needed

The Bush administration invaded Iraq claiming Saddam Hussein had tried to buy yellowcake uranium in Niger. As much of Washington knew, and the world soon learned, the charge was false. Worse, it appears to have been the cornerstone of a highly successful "black propaganda" campaign with links to the White House.


The Last Taboo

'It's painful to acknowledge, but it really is quite simple,' he said. 'There is no basic moral difference between the soldier at the checkpoint who prevents a woman who is having a baby from going through, causing her to lose the baby, and the man who killed my daughter. And just as my daughter was a victim [of the occupation], so was he.'


The bloody iceberg's tip 

Haditha is in the spotlight. But such an atrocity is unexceptional in occupied Iraq


Haditha, Bush & Nuremberg's Law

In this guest essay, Peter Dyer reviews the principles of international law that were set by U.S. and other allied jurists after World War II, rules against aggressive war that were meant to apply to the architects of illegal conflicts as well as to the grunts on the ground


'U.S. Military Hides Many More Hadithas'

In Haditha itself, he said, the U.S. military cut electricity and water to the entire city, attacked the hospital and burned the pharmacy.


US troops accused of new murders in Iraq

In the latest in a string of allegations against US forces, Juburi said 29 Iraqis were killed in May in separate incidents in the towns of Latifiyah and Yusifiyah, south of Baghdad, and in the capital itself


British soldiers kill a 13-year-old boy, wound a girl who's 12

Another incident involves British soldiers in southeastern Iraq. Defense officials in London say the troops fired baton rounds on about 100 people who were throwing rocks at them. However, Iraqi police say the soldiers fired at children throwing stones, killing a 13-year-old boy and wounding a girl who's 12.


What Is The Mission? 

The Iraqis are a fierce people. No elf is going to sprinkle fairy dust on them and make them fall in love with us. Why should they? We destroyed their country and caused the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children just with the sanctions, not counting the thousands we've killed since then.


White House abruptly cancels classified Iraq 'progress' briefing with senators 

In the letter, four U.S. Senators call on the White House to "publicly and immediately commit to making senior Administration officials available" for questioning regarding the current state of Iraq.


Officer at Fort Lewis calls Iraq war illegal, refuses order to go 

In January, Watada told his commanders that he believed that the war was unlawful, and therefore, so were his deployment orders. He did not, however, consider himself a conscientious objector, since he was willing to fight in wars that were justified, legal and in defense of the nation.


On This Day 1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor

The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. It is the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant. An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin.


The Courage of Lieutenant Watada

"I refuse to be silent any longer. I refuse to watch families torn apart, while the President tells us to 'stay the course,'" said Watada, on a web site supporting his cause. "I refuse to be party to an illegal and immoral war against people who did nothing to deserve our aggression."


At least 26 killed as occupation continues

A U.S. marine was among at least 26 people killed by violence in Iraq in the past 24 hours.


Italian forces to leave Iraq by December :

The new Italian administration today confirmed all Italian troops would withdraw from Iraq by the end of the year.,,1792197,00.html


Philippine Mercenaries Being Recruited by US Company

A US outfit, Blackwater, has set up shop at the Subic Freeport and is now recruiting active and retired soldiers, preferably combat veterans, to help fight America’s war against Iraq.


U.S./UK Bases In Iraq

“It is important to remember, at this point, that the UN Security Council "mandate" for the occupation troops in Iraq ended by the end of 2005. Apart from ex-prime minister Jafari's "invitation", they do not have any "legal" cover to stay.”


Britons begin to turn away from alliance with America:

Fewer than half the public believe that America is a force for good in the world, and nearly two thirds believe that Britain’s future lies more with Europe than with the US.,,11069-2214325,00.html


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 6 June 2006.
  • In preparation for an expected offensive Tuesday evening, US forces seal off ar-Ramadi, cut off all water, electricity, fuel from the city, destroy or seize all medical supplies.
  • Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near al-Khalidiyah.
  • Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in al-Fallujah Monday evening.
  • Puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry” forces were responsible for security around Russian embassy on Saturday when Russian diplomats were attacked, abducted.  Suspicions of US involvement begin to surface.
  • Ad-Dulu‘iyah finally falls to US, Kurdish separatist attackers.  Over 60 Resistance fighters killed, 100 local men arrested.  Americans ransack city with no media to witness their activites.  Umm Khudayr fulfills her vow, blowing herself up among US troops who invaded her house late Tuesday afternoon.
  • Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing near al-Ishaqi.
  • Nine more severed heads of murdered Sunni Iraqis discovered in Ba‘qubah.
  • Shi‘i ectarian gunmen in al-Basrah massacre Sunni family members gathered to receive body of their son, murdered earlier in the day.
  • Resistance bomb north of al-Basrah reportedly kills one British soldier, wounds three more.


2 U.S., 3 Afghan soldiers killed

The U.S.-led coalition confirmed today that two American soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in eastern Afghanistan.


Two coalition soldiers die in Afghanistan

Two foreign soldiers in the U.S.-led coalition were killed and three others were wounded in two separate attacks Tuesday as insurgents continued an offensive that has sparked some of the heaviest fighting in Afghanistan in several years.


U.S. dropping more bombs on Afghanistan

The U.S. Air Force increased its bombing of Taliban and other insurgent targets in Afghanistan this spring, making about 750 airstrikes in May alone, Air Force officials said.


Britain is the fall guy for the US retreat from Afghanistan 

The attempt to assert Kabul's control over the country will fail - and our anti-Taliban mission is little short of suicidal


Blair is only as guilty as the party that puts up with him 

The question is not why the prime minister has drifted so far to the right, but why Labour MPs have followed him,,1791753,00.html


Israel destroys 3 generations of Palestinian family 

The Amen family's joyful trip in a new car came to a devastating end last month when an Israeli missile aimed at a Palestinian militant hit their Mitsubishi by mistake.


IOF kills Palestinian policeman

The men hit by IOF gunfire in northern Gaza, which the army claimed were plotting a terror attack, were Palestinian security forces. The name of the man killed is Khadar Qasam, 23.,7340,L-3260171,00.html


Checkpoint witnesses

The Israeli women of Machsom Watch keep a close eye on soldier behavior at the roughly 600 Israeli-controlled checkpoints in the West Bank.


Why the Boycott of Israel is Justified

The recent boycott resolutions of CUPE and NATFHE against Israel’s Apartheid predictably awakened Israel’s willing apologists, initiating a high pitched chorus of condemnation and self pity across the Western media, not to mention the blogosphere


The Israeli Boycott of Palestinian Education

In the flurry of letters and comments against the boycott of Israeli academics who, according to Natfhe, are complicit through their work or silence, in the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, the reality facing the other side of the coin, that of Palestinian academics, researchers and educational institutions, has been ignored.


Worse Than Iraq?

Nigeria's president and onetime hope for a stable future is leading his country toward implosion­and possible U.S. military intervention


Somali Warlords Prep For More Fighting

Fighters loyal to a U.S-backed alliance of warlords appeared to be anticipating an attack by a fundamentalist Islamic militia that had pushed them out of Somalia's capital, witnesses said Wednesday.


US f*cks up yet again in Somalia

Posted Jun 7, 2006 10:01 AM PST - Category: AFRICA


The U.S. Role in Darfur, Sudan:

Oil reserves rivaling those of Saudi Arabia?


Documents Shed Light on CIA's Use of Ex-Nazis 

The Central Intelligence Agency took no action after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust overseer Adolf Eichmann in 1958, according to CIA documents that shed new light on the spy agency's use of former Nazis as informers after World War II.


Europe colluded in CIA prisoner "spider's web"

More than 20 states colluded in a "global spider's web" of secret CIA prisons and transfers of terrorism suspects stretching from Central Asia to Guantanamo Bay, a European rights watchdog said in a report on Wednesday.


Europe 'aided US in CIA flights' 

"...Spain, Turkey, Germany and Cyprus provided "staging posts" for rendition operations, while the UK, Portugal, Ireland and Greece were "stop-off points", the report says.


Rendition 'massively damaging' to counter-terrorism effort 

The British government's apparent support of CIA rendition flights is "massively damaging" in the battle against international terrorism, a former Foreign Office minister said today.,,1792271,00.html


Inventing Al-Zarqawi

How a video-store clerk and small-time crook became America’s nemesis in Iraq


U.S. taxpayers financed human trafficking, report says

For the first time since Congress mandated its annual publication, a State Department report cataloging human trafficking across the globe includes allegations that American taxpayers financed such abuses.


Florida woman reported to FBI for quoting Thomas Jefferson

Posted Jun 7, 2006 08:21 AM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP


Ann Coulter, "Bitch" Is Too Kind a Word For You

Posted Jun 7, 2006 08:06 AM PST - Category: MAINSTREAM MEDIA

I've got a better word for you, Ann Coulter. The word that rhymes with what football teams often do on fourth down.


-muslim voice-


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Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  :
Jamaah Islah Malaysia          :
Radio Islam Kuliyyah           :
Palestinkini Info              :
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      :
Fiqh Siber                     :
The Muslim Brotherhood         :

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