In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11 :  Indictment reveals little hard evidence of terrorist plot

The guy paying the "Miami 7" to act like terrorists was an FBI informant, setting them up for a headline-making arrest.


9/11 :  Who is Melvin Lattimore?

Lattimore was an FBI provocateur and informant who, along with the Siddiqys and Chafti helped and encourage McVeigh in OKC carry out the OKC bombing. Lattimore’s 1993 WTC bombing associates, the Siddiqys and Chafti, were with McVeigh in OKC moments before the OKC bombing. The witness to this, Debbie Burdick, was threatened to not talk to the press or to defense attorneys by FBI agent Odom out of Denver during and after the OKC bombing trials while Odom and FBI agent Floyd Zimms were working for DOJ prosecutors in Denver. FBI and CIA agent Floyd Zimms (wife was an HW Bush Republican delegate) arranged for the release of the Siddiqys and Chafti after they were arrested on the day of the OKC bombing. The FBI’s former OKC bombing Inspector, Danny Defenbaugh, hid the FBI 302 reports of the arrests of the Siddiqy’s and Chafti until the reports were identified in his Dallas FBI office (FBI SAC Dallas) in January 2001.


9/11 : Major Terror Ring Or 'Al Qaeda Lite'?

The same people who told us that Zacarias Moussaoui was the 20th hijacker and that Jose Padilla was building a radiological bomb now are telling us that they've foiled a legitimate terror plot to take down the Sears Tower in Chicago.


9/11 : Jose Padilla Case: Judge orders more information for terror suspects' lawyers

U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke called the government's 2005 indictment of Padilla, a former Broward County, Fla., resident, Adham Amin Hassoun, and Kifah Wael Jayyousi "light on facts" and said defense lawyers would need more details to sift through a large amount of evidence related to the case.


9/11 : Facts about top U.S. legal cases on terrorism

Following is a list of some of the more high-profile legal cases in the "war against terrorism"


War Crime:  Legacy of Treason Depleted Uranium and the Poisoning of Humanity

In recent years I have become aware of the issue of depleted uranium (DU) and its use by the US Military in Iraq in 1991 and again in the current Iraq war. The photos of birth deformities and stories of suffering resulting from DU shocked me, reminding me of the Agent Orange victims of America's Vietnam war.

It is undoubtedly by far the most significant issue on the planet today, and yet the mainstream media stays quiet.


War Crime :  Stay the Course, Cut and Run, With Us or With the Terrorists, Mushroom Cloud, Mission Accomplished, etc...

Stay the Course? What course? My God the bUSH administration has never established a course. WMD was the original "course" wasn't it?, Well there wasn't any. "Mission Accomplished", oops, that wasn't really the "Course", it was the fight against tyranny. That's right, that's the ticket, that's what it really was..... Saddam captured, "Mission Accomplished" Oops, now its the "GWOT", (Global War on Terror), "Stay the Course". Re Justify. Rename. Republican Mantra. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.....


Mainstream Media Lets White House Determine What is News, Virtually Ignores Offically-Declared "State of Emergency" in Iraq as Various Resistance Groups Battle Our GIs Around the Green Zone

You'd have to look hard in any mainstream paper, or on any mainstream news program, to know that an official State of Emergency has been declared in Iraq. What does that mean?

It means that the fighting, blood-letting and death has gotten so bad that American GIs are battling the resistance right outside the Green Zone. It means that never-ending talk of the "last throes of the insurgency" are, once again, shown to be lies by the reality on the ground.


Why Isn't the Media Talking About the Growing Resistance Within the Military to Bush Policy in Iraq?

Too often we forget about the insidious and quiet though steady draft by default that comes from the endless ranks of the poor in the United States who are beguiled by the lure of a better life. Then there's stop loss. The true volunteers are not necessarily in lock step regarding policy. And more and more we see the result of this contention among the ranks: Soldiers are mustering out. They are joining groups like Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans against the War. They are filing for conscientious objector status. They are going AWOL. They are deserting to Canada.


Paper Breaks News of Yet Another Possible Atrocity in Iraq

Two Pennsylvania National Guardsmen are being investigated in connection with the shooting death of an Iraqi civilian earlier this year and have not returned to the United States with the rest of their unit, a Guard spokesman said Friday.


US raid sparks outrage among Iraqi Sunnis

The arrest of Sheikh Jamal Abdel Karim al-Dabaan sparked outrage among Iraq's Sunnis. The Iraqi Islamic Party, whose leader is one of the country's vice-presidents, condemned it and many government officials in predominantly Sunni Salahaddin province suspended work in protest, the deputy governor said.;_ylt=A9G_RyLYXJ1EIoABOA5m.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA --


List of accusations of GIs in Iraq stuns experts

The accounts are brutal: An Iraqi man dragged from his home, executed and made to look as if he were an insurgent. Three prisoners killed by their Army captors. A team of revenge-seeking Marines going home to home, shooting down unarmed Iraqi men, women, children.


12 U.S. servicemen charged with murdering Iraqis

Senior military sources in Baghdad also say U.S. allies in Iraq have called for American commanders to ensure tighter discipline to avoid civilian shootings that cause lasting resentment among the Iraqi population.


12 Iraq murder cases may signal US military crackdown

WASHINGTON, June 23 (Reuters) - The U.S. military charged 12 servicemen this week with murdering Iraqis, signaling to some a stepped-up Pentagon effort to investigate claims after an alleged cover-up of a civilian massacre at Haditha.

Guardsmen: Iraq a minute-by-minute battle

"They're using our good will, our good-nature policy against us," says Sgt. Bobby Walls, a 38-year-old Pennsylvania National Guard member. "The fact that we fight as the good guys sometimes turns around and kicks us in the can, you know?"


Costa Rica wants Iraq reference removed

Costa Rica wants its name erased from the list of countries supporting the invasion of Iraq. But the United States says that's not possible.

Opponents of the fighting took the name issue to the country's Supreme Court, which ruled the references to support should be removed.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Friday, 23 June 2006.
  • Resistance fighters battle puppet “Iraqi Interior Ministry” troops in ad-Durah, hold neighborhood for nearly three hours.
  • Resistance fighters kill 10 pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen coming to Hayfa Street in Baghdad to attack Palestinian refugees – known to Iraqis as “the orphans of Iraq.”
  • Iraqi Resistance seen behind fire that destroys puppet provincial government building in Tikrit, destroying construction contracts, pay registers for puppet security forces.
  • Shi‘i sectarian militias detonate bomb in Hibhib, near Ba‘qbuah, as Sunni worshippers leave mosque, killing 10. Townspeople later apprehend two bombers.
  • Religious leader reveals: US try to bribe Sunni Imams in al-Mawsil into muting opposition to US occupation.
  • Resistance battles US troops in al-Qa’im Friday afternoon.
  • Resistance mortars blast puppet police station in ‘Amiriyat al-Fallujah.
  • For third week in a row, puppet regime imposes shoot-to-kill curfew on Sunni parts of Baghdad, prohibiting Sunni Iraqis from holding weekly Friday congregational prayer services.
  • Resistance bombards headquarters of puppet “Shock Troops” in ad-Durah early Friday morning.
  • Muezzin and son kidnapped, tortured, murdered by pro-American Shi‘i sectarian militiamen Thursday evening.
  • Shi‘i sectarian militias seen behind bombing that kills 10 civilians in al-Basrah.
  • Resistance bombards British occupation headquarters in al-Basrah Thursday night.


Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs

“One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.” Yet freedom fighters is exactly how Israelis view the early Zionists who fought in 1947 for the establishment of Israel—and how Palestinians now consider their fighters resisting Israeli occupation.


Baby stillborn after botched Israeli strike-medics

A Palestinian baby girl whose mother was wounded in a botched Israeli air raid was stillborn on Friday, two days after the strike that killed two other civilians in the Gaza Strip, medics said.


Olmert: Israeli lives worth more than Palestinian ones

Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, expressed "deep regret" for army operations that have killed 14 Palestinian civilians in Gaza in just nine days but said the lives of Israeli citizens threatened by Qassam attacks were "even more important".


Senate Now Sanctions Palestinian Authority

The Senate voted Friday to block U.S. aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government and ban contacts with Hamas


U.S. Senate adopts bill to isolate Hamas government

"Look, I know we are supposed to support democracy in the world, and I know you guys were democratically elected, meaning you didn't have to use Diebold to win, and we admire and respect that. But the bottom line is that Israel doesn't like you and that means WE don't like you!" -- Official White Horse Souse


What’s Next for the Palestinians - Starvation?

Since 01/06, when the Palestinians elected a Hamas-dominated government, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have accelerated their brutal treatment. After Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, appeared before the lapdog U.S. Congress on May 31, 2006, the IOF also slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. On 06/23/06, Tim Rothermel and Laila El-Haddad, at a Capitol Hill forum, warned that the Palestinians may, eventually, face starvation, too.


Israeli Troops Launch Incursion in Gaza

Posted Jun 24, 2006 09:14 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


Israel : Rights groups slam judges over claim girl 'enjoyed' sex with dad - This is an outrage is it not?

Rights groups called Saturday for the dismissal of three Nazareth District judges who wrote in a court decision that a woman who was raped by her father since childhood may have consented to having intercourse with him.


Somalia: killed by 'kindness'

The east African state is a case study in how today's humanitarian intervention can be even more lethal than the old White Man's Burden.
Brendan O’Neill

If you want to see how new forms of Western military intervention can be even worse than the colonialism of old, look no further than Somalia.


Clampdown raises fears over first glimmers of Egyptian democracy Clampdown raises fears over first glimmers of democracy

Hey, Mubarak is a thug, but he's OUR thug right now (as was the Shah in Iran, Battista in Cuba, Pinochet in Argentina, Noriega in Panama, etc. etc. etc.).

The US can wring their hands publicly about the absence of democratic reform here, but there is no true motivation within the Egyptian government to change,and no real pressure from the US because it has its hands full elsewhere.

And as with the case of Musharraf in Pakistan, if Mubarak loses the army, it's all over.,,251-2238787,00.html


Controlling the News June 22, 2006

This was a Karl Rove style ‘Scare ‘Em Into Voting for you” racket like the “Red Terrorist Alerts” of a few years ago that, strangely enough, <>always<> cropped up at election time. The Canadian caper was so silly it died aborning. Next we have the article below claiming, falsely, that we have discovered the WMDs at last! (Three years ago of course but Our Clever Leaders kept it quiet until before election time) and now the Blowing Up of the Sears Tower, again, just before election time. We can now expect a solemn Gonzales, surrounded by Men in Suits, giving a pre-emptive press conference on CNN to alert all of America to the stunning news and telling them that He, Alberto the Wetback, is Always Vigilant and Protecting America!

You ought to hear the nasty, sarcastic comments around our offices about such stupid fictions!


New World Order Stealing Americans Blind With Illegal Overseas Giga-Fund Estimated At $55 to $300 Trillion

While the country is preoccupied with terrorism, the war in Iraq and 9/11, thugs controlling the takeover of America are stealing citizens blind to the tune of $55 to $300 trillion dollars, according to an undercover financial report by the London-based International Currency Review.


-muslim voice-


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Radio Islam Kuliyyah           :
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The Muslim Brotherhood         :



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