
In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

U.S. Losing Control of Anbar Province Fast

RAMADI, Sep 5 (IPS) - The U.S. military has lost control over the volatile al-Anbar province, Iraqi police and residents say. The area to the west of Baghdad includes Fallujah, Ramadi and other towns that have seen the worst of military occupation, and the strongest resistance.

Despite massive military operations which destroyed most of Fallujah and much of cities like Haditha and al-Qa'im in Ramadi, real control of the city now seems to be in the hands of local resistance. In losing control of this province, the U.S. would have lost control over much of Iraq.

"We are talking about nearly a third of the area of Iraq," Ahmed Salman, a historian from Fallujah told IPS. "Al-Anbar borders Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia, and the resistance there will never stop as long as there are American soldiers on the ground."


U.S. Losing Control Fast

The U.S. military has lost control over the volatile al-Anbar province, Iraqi police and residents say. The area to the west of Baghdad includes Fallujah, Ramadi and other towns that have seen the worst of military occupation, and the strongest resistance.


9/11 :  Afghan Massacre : The Convoy of Death

In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops.


9/11 Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

Waleed Al Shehri left the US a year ago, he says!!!

Another of the men named by the FBI as a hijacker in the suicide attacks on Washington and New York has turned up alive and well.

The identities of four of the 19 suspects accused of having carried out the attacks are now in doubt.


Fury as academics claim 9/11 was 'inside job'

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an "inside job", according to a group of leading academics.

Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.


Scripps Howard poll: Half of America angrier at government than ever before; one-third believe government behind 9/11

"More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.," wrote Thomas Hargrove and Guido Stempel III in a comprehensive release dated August 1, 2006.


9/11 Truth Hits Main Stream Media

When the mainstream media realizes that news harmful to the Empire can no longer be ignored? It must now do its real job and work full-time in order to showcase, spin, and thoroughly marginalize the issue. 


Fringe Theories Harming 9/11 Truth Movement

The "Fringe" theories, such as the "No plane at the Pentagon" hoax, are products of the government, whose propagandists plant outlandish theories into the public debate specifically to try to discredit serious questioning of the official story.


Slaughter Calls for ABC to Come Clean on New 9-11 Docudrama

This argument over whether Bush or Clinton is to blame for9-11 is a false trail to keep people from looking at the issue of 9-11 as a deliberate staged event by the US Government to further the war plans in the Mideast.

BOTH parties are complicit. BOTH the Bush and Clinton gangs know the truth but will not speak out. 


Nationalism, not Islam, motivates most suicide terrorists

Placing tens of thousands of U.S. troops in the Arabian Peninsula between 1990 and 2001 was the pivotal factor accounting for the Sept. 11 attacks.


War Crime :  Americas Third World War: Video

How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries. John Stockwell, spent 13 years in the CIA. He gives a short history of CIA covert operations.


Empire – A Tribe on Steroids

With a myriad number of governments, dictators and so-called kings in firm, clenched American control, with reward given them if they obey the Empire’s dictates, with punishment if they do not, the nations of the planet are but fiefdoms of the Empire, with proconsuls and chieftains and lord and masters guarding America’s lands and resources, with its garrisons and centurions and legions protecting her interests.


Four American allies in deep trouble:

In Islamabad, Kabul, Baghdad and Jerusalem, four heads of government are facing grave, possibly terminal, difficulties -- largely because of their alliance with the United States.


Utah Mayor Speaks Truth To Power

"We will not stand for it any more. No more lies. No more pre-emptive, illegal war, based on false information. No more God-is-on-our-side religious nonsense to justify this immoral, illegal war. We are here to say most fundamentally, no more inhumanity in the name of our nation."


Truth in a Time of War with Howard Zinn : Video

Zinn's talk explores the notion of "just" wars with his usual candor and critical understanding.


Another fatal day in the 'war on terror'

Yesterday was another black day in the "war on terror". Across the Middle East, wave upon wave of violence engulfed the region and paid testament to the new, bloody reality five years on from 11 September.


Bush Aims to Kill War Crimes Act

Why are they doing it, and how can they be stopped?


The US Occupation forces in Iraq throw Iraqi detainees in the streets after lacerating theirs faces and killing them

Reliable sources close to the US Occupiers' authorities ascertained today that hundreds of Iraqi prisoners considered as missing and detained by the US Occupiers' forces in secret detention camps and in particular those detained on US war ships or in European secret prisons since the beginning of the Occupation and the year after, are being killed and suppressed through deforming their faces and throwing them into streets to make believe that they were victims of sectarian violence in Iraq.


Shiite Revival or Majority Resistance? 

The Sunni-Shiite divide is a deplorable ploy that was implemented by the West to create a diversionary tactic. Regrettably, the people of Iraq have fallen prey to it, for violence begets violence.


U.S. occupation forces kill 5

U.S. troops killed five men in a ground assault and air strike on what they called a "safe house", targeting a person involved in moving money and foreign fighters into Iraq. A child was also killed in the fighting in Muqdadiya, northeast of Baghdad, the U.S. military said in a statement


3 U.S. occupation troops killed in Iraq fighting

The deaths brought to eight the number of American troops killed in Iraq in combat-related violence over the past two days.


Documentary Slams U.S. Companies Working in Iraq

He's tackled Wal-Mart and Fox News with his scathing documentaries. Now, filmmaker Robert Greenwald is releasing a documentary which argues that private companies helping to fight the war in Iraq don't have the nation's best interests in mind.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 4 September 2006.  
* Families of al-Hadithah massacre victims vow to leave Iraq following threats made by occupation troops that they will suffer “consequences” if soldiers on trial for the murders are executed.
* Resistance bomb in ad-Durah leaves two US troops reported killed.
* At least 40 killed as Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen loyal to sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr drive around Baghdad shooting down local Sunnis.
* Puppet “Interior Ministry Shock Troops” round up 122 local residents in nighttime raids in al-Hillah, breaking the noses of each prisoner with their rifle butts.
* US soldier reported killed in Resistance ambush in al-Mawsil mid-morning Monday.
*  Resistance bomb wounds four American troops in al-Mawsil.
* British authorities admit two British troops killed in Resistance bomb attack in al-Basrah.
*  Resistance blasts US headquarters in al-Hadithah with heavy mortars.
*  Resistance fighters ambush puppet army patrol near al-Khalidiyah.
*  Resistance bomb rips through US vehicle in al-Fallujah Monday evening.
*  Resistance car bomb blasts puppet “Iraqi National Guards.”
*  Resistance car bombers hit two puppet army checkpoints in Abu Ghurayb simultaneously on Sunday night.
*  Resistance bomb blasts puppet “National Guard” patrol in Abu Ghurayb.
*  Bodies of 33 Sunni torture victims delivered to hospital in Baghdad Sunday.
*  Resistance bomb in ad-Durah leaves two US troops reported killed.
*  Resistance car bomb targets puppet police patrol in al-Karadah.
*  Resistance men kill three pro-American Badr Brigade gunmen.
* At least 40 Sunnis killed as Shi‘i sectarian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen loyal to sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr drive around Baghdad gunning down local Sunnis.
*  Resistance rockets hit joint US-Iraqi puppet army headquarters in Samarra’.


The Taliban are back

The Taliban have regained control over the southern half of Afghanistan and their frontline is advancing daily, warned The Senlis Council on the release of an evaluation report of the reconstruction of Afghanistan marking the five year anniversary of 9/11


Afghanistan 'falling into Taliban hands'

AFGHANISTAN is "falling back into the hands of the Taliban" and British troops are fighting in a lawless land, a new report said today.

The report, Afghanistan Five Years Later: The Return of the Taliban, said the British and United States-led international coalition in Afghanistan has "failed to achieve stability and security".

More of Bush' and Blair's 'progress' in the war on terror.


Full report: Afghanistan Five Years Later - The Return of the Taliban 

Five Years On, the US-led International Community has Failed Afghanistan


Video: I Is for Infidel: From Holy War to Holy Terror: 18 Years in Afghanistan 

The longest-serving Western journalist in the region, Gannon overturns simplistic understanding of the country's politics in this eye-opening talk.


Pakistan, pro-Taliban forces agree deal

The Pakistani government and pro-Taliban fighters have agreed a deal aimed at ending five years of conflict in Waziristan on the Afghanistan border.


Who are Palestinian refugees?

Terry Rempel, founding member of BADIL - a resource centre for Palestinian residency and refugee rights - explains why defining who's a refugee is so political, and attempts to answer how many Palestinian refugees there are. The full article is printed in the current issue of Forced Migration Review.

A longer version of this article is online in Forced Migration Review.


Following a Visit to the Gaza Strip, PHR-Israel warns: Humanitarian Disaster in the Gaza Strip

For the first time in six years, members of Physicians for Human Rights-Israel were granted access to the Gaza Strip to witness up close the plight of the residents of the strip in the shadow of the unrestrained Israeli attacks.


'We know what we want' 

An interview with the Palestinian prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, about his hopes for a national unity government


Israel destruction in south Lebanon: initial survey

Israel destroyed or damaged in south Lebanon 1489 buildings, 21 of 29 bridges over the Litani river, 535 sections of road and 545 cultivated fields during its 34-day military offensive, according to an EU assessment released today.


Israel Said to Fear War Crimes Charges

Three weeks after a cease-fire ended Israel's monthlong war against Hezbollah guerrillas, Israel is increasingly concerned that government officials and army officers traveling abroad could face war crimes charges, a Foreign Ministry official said Monday.


Bush won't allow a nuclear-armed Iran

President Bush said Tuesday a nuclear-armed Iran would blackmail the free world and raise a mortal threat to the American people.


Bush brands Iran leader a 'tyrant'

US President George W. Bush branded Iran's president a tyrant and compared leaders in Tehran to Al-Qaeda terrorists who cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons.


Alexander Cockburn: Will Bush Bomb Teheran?

Would the Democrats Do Anything Different?


Kremlin aide warns against military operation in Iran 

"We understand so far that the introduction of economic sanctions or a military operation...will result in the consolidation of the country's population around its current authorities, and then all attempts to develop its nuclear program would be supported by the people," Shuvalov said.


Russia says nuclear sanctions could inflame Iran

China said earlier it still wanted major world powers to negotiate with Iran even after it defied a U.N. Security Council deadline of August 31 to stop enriching uranium.


Worrisome words from seer of Iran

As the West's "war on terror" burns across the Muslim world, one of Islam's most principled leaders, former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami, issued a grave warning from the very heart of America, the country whose troops and allies are fighting Islamists across the Middle East in a war that is costing thousands of Muslim lives.


Dictatorship :  Prosecutors seek long prison term for lawyer in terrorism case

Seeking a 30-year prison term for a lawyer convicted of supplying information to terrorists, prosecutors argued the attorney engaged for more than two years in "extremely dangerous and devious" conduct to help an Egyptian terrorist leader communicate with followers despite U.S. efforts to silence him.


Crony : Meet the Carlye Group: How the Bush family profits from endless war


The IMF is still the rich world's viceroy 

What will be passed off as a democratisation is in fact a way of ensuring the poor global majority continue to have no say


Mexico's Calderon is president-elect: court draft

Calderon's victory would be a boost to the United States as he will be a key ally in Latin America, where several left-wing leaders critical of Washington have taken power in recent years.


Child sex case rocks churches tucked away deep in the Ozarks; pastors charged

A woman in the group soon told a sheriff's deputy horrific stories of how the compound's leaders had molested girls as part of religious ceremonies during which they were told their bodies were being prepared for "service to God."


-muslim voice-


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Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia  :
Jamaah Islah Malaysia          :
Radio Islam Kuliyyah           :
Palestinkini Info              :
Partai Keadilan Sejahtera      :
Fiqh Siber                     :
The Muslim Brotherhood         :

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