In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Saddam Hussein execution: A sectarian lynching

<>Patrick Martin

3 January 2007

A video of the final minutes of Saddam Hussein, released to the Arab media
late Saturday and widely broadcast around the world, demonstrates that the
execution of the former Iraqi president was an act of sectarian vengeance
by the Shiite Muslim groups placed in power by the US invasion of the country.

The video, apparently made using the cell phone of one of the guards or
official witnesses in the death chamber, records the last fragments of
conversation between Hussein and his hooded executioners, who were
apparently loyal to the Shiite radical clergyman Moqtada al-Sadr, head of
the most powerful militia force in Iraq, the Mahdi Army.

Several of the executioners and witnesses began chanting the name of the
Shiite leader, "Moqtada, Moqtada, Moqtada," as the noose was slipped around
Hussein’s neck. He responded with surprise, and then a scornful retort,
"Moqtada? Is this how real men behave?"

Other onlookers chanted the name of Moqtada al-Sadr’s father­a co-founder
of the Dawa Party, one of the backers of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki­and
one shouted, "Go to hell," to which Hussein responded that those
responsible for his execution had erected a "gallows of shame."

Even the judge who had ratified the death sentence, Munir Haddad,
reproached the sectarian outburst by the Shiite guards, telling them,
"Please no! The man is about to die." The video then concludes with grisly
footage of the trapdoor opening and Hussein plunging to his death, his neck
broken and his body swinging.

Beyond the events recorded on the video, the very fact that Mahdi Army
loyalists were among the guards in the death chamber and could record the
proceedings without hindrance has enormous political significance. It
demonstrates the extent to which the US-backed Iraqi regime has become the
instrument of factions in the sectarian conflict raging throughout much of

For nearly a year, Sunni Muslims, Christians, secular Iraqis and others
targeted by Shiite death squads have been hunted down, tortured and
murdered. Most of these atrocities have begun with the seizure of the
victims by armed members of the Iraqi police and military­the very forces
the Bush administration claims it has been training to fight "terrorism."

By Monday, with the digital recording circulating throughout Iraq and the
entire Arab and Muslim world, it was clear that for the Maliki government
and the US occupation regime the execution had become a political debacle.
Thousands of Sunnis marched in protest demonstrations in Tikrit, Mosul and
cities and towns throughout Anbar province. In Samarra, where the bombing
of the Shiite Golden Mosque last February touched off the sectarian
warfare, Sunnis marched through the shattered structure with a coffin
representing Saddam Hussein’s.

The Maliki government, in a belated effort to distance itself from the
images of Shiite triumphalism, ordered an investigation into how the video
was shot in the death chamber and how it was distributed. But at least one
eyewitness, one of the prosecutors in Hussein’s trial, said that the cell
phone was brought in by a top government official, whom he would not name,
not by a guard, and that the recording of the final altercation between the
guards and Hussein was done quite openly.

Detailed reports in the US media conceded that the execution had backfired
on the Bush administration. An account published in the New York Times
Monday observed that it would be difficult for the White House to
disassociate itself from the rushed execution of the former president,
since the hanging took place at a US-controlled military facility in
Baghdad, and Hussein remained in US custody until he was handed over to the

The article, co-authored by John Burns, the Times bureau chief in Baghdad
and one of the most avid apologists for the war, noted that "Iraq’s new
Shiite rulers . . . seemed bent on turning the execution and its aftermath
into a new nightmare for the Sunni minority privileged under Mr. Hussein."

The Times reported that US officials in Iraq were "privately incensed at
the dead-of-night rush to the gallows," and had repeatedly urged the Maliki
government to delay the execution by a few weeks in order to conform to
provisions in the Iraqi constitution and legal code, requiring approval of
the hanging by the three-member Iraqi presidency, and barring executions
during the celebration of Id al-Adha, a Muslim religious holiday.

The timing was perhaps the most brazenly sectarian aspect of the execution,
since Saturday is the first day of Id al-Adha, according to the Sunni
practice, while the holiday begins on Sunday for Shiites. One official
effectively declared the Shiite observance to be the law of the land, and,
as the Times revealed, the Shiite clergy were given final decision-making
power, not the elected government.

The Times reported that the Maliki government had debated objections from
US officials and Sunni politicians over conducting the execution on
Saturday, then decided to refer the decision to the marjaiyah, the council
of ayatollahs in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, which is the highest body
of the Shiite clergy. According to the Times, "The ayatollahs approved. Mr.
Maliki, at a few minutes before midnight on Friday, then signed a letter to
the justice minister, 'to carry out the hanging until death.’"

The Times concluded with the remarkable admission, "None of the Iraqi
officials were able to explain why Mr. Maliki had been unwilling to allow
the execution to wait. Nor would any explain why those who conducted it had
allowed it to deteriorate into a sectarian free-for-all that had the
effect, on the video recordings, of making Mr. Hussein, a mass murderer,
appear dignified and restrained, and his executioners, representing Shiites
who were his principal victims, seem like bullying street thugs."

A second article in Monday’s Times reinforced this picture by reporting the
reaction among Sunni Arabs in Baghdad: "the grainy recording of the
execution’s cruel theater summed up what has become increasingly clear on
the streets of the capital: that the Shiite-led government that assumed
power in the American effort here is running the state under an undisguised
sectarian banner."

The Associated Press, in a report on the Sunni response to the execution,
noted that the hanging was followed by a US military raid on the Baghdad
offices of a prominent Sunni politician, in which six Iraqis were killed,
and warned, "The current Sunni protests, which appear to be building, could
signal a spreading militancy."

Rizgar Mohammed Amin, the Kurdish judge who presided over the first trial
of Saddam Hussein until he was forced to resign by official pressure from
the ruling Shiite bloc, condemned the timing and manner of the execution.
The hanging violated a clear legal prohibition (enacted under Hussein’s
rule and still in force) stating that "no verdict should be implemented
during the official holidays or religious festivals," Amin told Associated

The cell phone video of the execution of Hussein demonstrates the reality
of the "democracy" which the US invasion has brought to Iraq. The invasion
has destroyed the framework of the Iraqi state, exacerbated social
tensions, and provoked an explosion of sectarian violence at the cost of
hundreds of thousands of lives. The continuing US occupation­in which
American and British troops continue to kill thousands of Iraqis even as
murder squads operate on both sides of the Sunni/Shiite divide­has brought
about not the flowering of "freedom," but the virtual dissolution of Iraqi



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