  The Malaysian financial landscape has been transformed in recent years to one 
that is sound, competitive and well diversified. To support the dynamic growth 
of the Malaysian financial sector, the financial industry comprising commercial 
banks, investment banks, Islamic banks, development financial institutions, 
insurance companies and takaful operators is organising Financial Sector Talent 
Enrichment Programme (FSTEP) to develop new recruits. 
  FSTEP will produce highly trained financial industry professionals to have an 
exciting career in the financial industry. 
  The Programme
  FSTEP is targeted at high calibre students who recently graduated from local 
and foreign institutes of higher learning and those who are working in the 
non-financial sector with interest to pursue careers in the financial industry. 
  Programme Structure
FSTEP provides an intensive 1-year technical training in banking and insurance, 
including Islamic finance and takaful.

The comprehensive training module includes near real life simulations, 
workshops and case studies as well as on-the-job training exposure through 
internship with financial institutions.                      Apply now.
Sign up today by completing the online pre-admission form.

Application deadline : 26 April 2008.

        Sign up now - Candidates with a minimum of degree or equivalent 
qualification from all disciplines are welcomed to apply.
 -->  Incentives
  Attractive scholarship. 
Successful participants will be absorbed into the financial sector.

  Minimum Criteria for FSTEP Applicants
   Malaysian citizens

   Hold an undergraduate degree of higher, from local or overseas tertiary 
education institution. Those with relevant professional qualifications may also 

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