World Without Cancer Audio

The following audios were produced by G. Edward Griffin.
World Without Cancer audio
  To Listen to Dead Doctors Don't Lie by Dr Wallach Click Here

Joel D. Wallach, BS, DVM, Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Wallach had been involved in biomedical research and clinical medicine for 
30 years. He received his B.S. degree (Agriculture) from the University of 
Missouri with a major in animal husbandry (nutrition) and a minor in field 
crops and soils; a D.V.M. (veterinarian) from the University of Missouri; a 
three year post doctoral fellowship from The Center for the Biology of Natural 
Systems, Washington University; and an ND from the National College of 
Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon. He established and developed a unique 
family practice (used veterinary nutrition on human patients) in I) Portland, 
Oregon, which he operated for 12 years.

Dr. Wallach has appeared frequently on local and national network television 
(including a special with ABC's 20/20) regional and national talk radio 
programs as an expert on trace mineral and rare earth deficiency diseases. Dr. 
Wallach is also the host of his own talk show radio program (Let's Play Doctor) 
in Palm Springs, California every Saturday morning. Because of his freewheeling 
style of humor and ability to zero in on the basic truth in health he is widely 
known as the "Rush Limbaugh" of alternative health.

Dr. Wallach's research has resulted in the publication of more than 70 peer 
review and refered journal articles in the fields of nutrition and 
pharmaceutical research, major Contributions to eight multi-author text and 
reference books including the Merck Manual and authorship of a definitive 
text/reference book on the subject of comparative medicine (W.B. Saunders 
Publishing Co., 1983)

Dr. Wallach was the recipient of the 1988 Wooster Beach Gold Medal Award for a 
significant breakthrough in the basic understanding of the cause and 
pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis- the gold medal was awarded by the 
Association of Eclectic Physicians. He was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 
Medicine in 1991 by the Association of Eclectic Physicians for his notable and 
untiring work with deficiencies of the trace mineral selenium and its 
relationship to the congenital genesis of Cystic Fibrosis.


  Lorraine Day, M.D. - Breast cancer free thanks to alternative treatments

Dr. Day was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and had a lumpectomy of a 
small tumor. But the tumor soon recurred, became very aggressive and grew 
rapidly. Dr. Day rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side 
effects and chose instead to rebuild her immune system using natural, simple 
inexpensive therapies designed by God and available to everyone, so her body 
could heal itself. She is now cancer free.

Click Here to hear her story

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